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The Press household is unexpectedly calm, as I step out of the car after getting past the security guards who thought I was Rachel Daly (no, blondes do not look like each other at all, lol). There is a cold morning wind brushing my face, making me shiver for a second. I immediately go and knock at the main entrance's door. 

When it opens, I already want to roll my eyes, but restrain myself from doing so: Becky Sauerbrunn, Rachel's mother, is at the door, and by the cold look she throws me I can tell that she still despises me just like when we were in high school. Some things never change, I guess, I think to myself, not impressed by Becky's cold display of hatred. 

After a few seconds, she finally speaks up:

"What do you want, Kristen?" 

I smirk. 

"I really need to see Mallory, it is on behalf of my sister, Abby. Unfortunately, she has been unwell - maybe COVID, since it appears to be trendy nowadays - so since Sam's got a new job, I am the one who-"

"Mewis" Becky stops me, obviously annoyed, "I do not care. And frankly, if you thought one second that Mr Press' passing would change his family's regards toward you, then you are highly mistaken."

I nod my head slowly, trying to find a comeback that wouldn't be too bloody, otherwise she would just slam the door at my face all at once. 

Instead of playing the same game than she does, I just argue:

"Wouldn't you agree that your personal and hostile feelings toward me are clouding your judgment? Because at it occurs to me, Mallory is feeling quite alone, since she isn't getting along with anyone other than her sister who is in a coma. We both know she cares about Abby very much, and Abby's not a bad person: indeed, I am sure you like her quite well. So don't let me in for me, but for her, okay?"

As I was giving my heartfelt discourse, Rachel appeared in my field of view behind her mother. Becky did not seem moved by my wonderful words, although her face relaxed quite a bit when I mentioned my long-lost sister. 

Rachel takes over for her mother, throwing daggers at me through her eyes:

"Stacey Press is waiting for you in the living room, with Mallory. You better not try anything stupid, because there are at least twenty people in this manor ready to kill you because they don't like you."

"Well" I let out, walking past the two women with sass, "you know what they say: celebrity and fame come with a prize."

I can see them rolling their eyes, as I walk straight into the living room. Once I see who else is in it, I just freeze.

Stacey Press and her younger daughter are facing me, while another woman is in the room: long, straight brown hair, and obviously a good form. When I realise it is Alex Morgan, my stomach starts hurting: what is she doing here? And why is she wearing this weird vest?

As soon as the Press matriarch sees me, she cracks an hypocrite smile and exclaims:

"Oh, Kristie Mewis, please enter: we were expecting you."

That doesn't sound good..., I tell myself, while advancing without fear. Immediately, I feel shivers down my spine: I do not know if it is Stacey Press' insistant gaze, Alex Morgan's suspicious and confused look, or Mallory who was staring at me with both anger and emotion. Either way, I wasn't welcome here, and everybody in this room knew it - and the thirty people who wanted me dead, as Becky said. 

Coughing a little, I just stare at all of them and relentlessly ask:

"New haircut?"

Sure, what a clever thing to say, I think to myself, before staring at all their faces straying in confusion. 

Mrs Press, actually quite amused by the way I have with people - which is, in fact, a very bad way because it is useless and doesn't make any sense - gets up and walks toward me, before wrapping an arm around Alex' shoulders.

Before I can say anything, the recently widowed woman states:

"I believe you know the astonishing Alexandra already?"

"Yup"I let out, slightly annoyed by her presence there, "we've met."

"She is the new chief of the Dragons" Mrs Press continues, as I feel my jaw dropping a little. Realising my state of confusion and shock, she explains: "Turns out Abigail isn't the only Dragons heir in town: Alex' father devoted his entire life to the Dragons and took over after your father's terrible passing, so his daughter has been voted homonymously as their new leader."

"Congrats... I guess?" I say, smiling with hypocrisy. 

Alex stares at me, probably not fond of the way I behave, which actually makes me wonder: how much does she know about the Press family? Does she know what she got herself into? Suddenly, everything seemed like a trap.

Unfortunately, my reflexion was cut short when Alex says:

"Something utterly odd happened this morning, though" and, turning toward Mrs Press, she adds, as my jaw drops: "Many of my men think that Andrew Dahlkemper's death has been coordinated by your family, m'mam, and they have requested that one of his daughters would be co-chief by my side."

"Is that so?" Stacey Press asks, obviously very annoyed at the moment.

Well, if there is one thing I cannot take away from Alex, it's that she is not afraid of the consequences of her words: she knows very well that she is untouchable, because if she dies the Dragons will break their deal with the Press family. And now, she literally is trying to incorporate one of Stacey's fiercest enemy - me, lol - into the mix.

My eyes going wide, I cannot help myself but let out:

"What now?"

"Actually" Alex continues, smirking, "I really think it should be you, Kristie: after all, you're a born leader under all that sass."

What game is she playing right now? I ask myself, not getting for the life of me how this idea appeared in her head. There again, it cannot be Abby because she is mentally down, neither can it be Sam because she appeared to be a tech genius

When Alex throws me a stare that might mean 'just play along and trust me', I just shake my head and stare at Stacey Press, confused. 

It is at that very moment that Mallory rolls her wheelchair forward, coming inside our conversation so smoothly that nobody stops her from stating: 

"It was my idea, actually" she admits, staring straight at me. Utterly confused, I cannot react before she adds: "I am sure mama won't mind pleasing one of our most loyal partner, right, Mother?"

Everything looks like Mrs Press is now only realising how her daughter has grown to become an evil mastermind.

While she nods, Mallory turns toward me and says softly:

"Then it is settled: congrats, Krisite, you've just gotten immunity."

Into My HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz