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(three months ago)

This calm evening was suddenly much more agitated once I received this message:

From: Unknown - In order to keep you safe, someone will come and pick you up in one hour. Your mother, Tyler and Channing are down, you might be next. Stay put.

My jaw just drops.

As tears were quickly filling my eyes, I turn away from Rose, who is quietly watching The Haunting of Hill House, since we like horror tv shows so much: I did not want her to see how messed up my life was.

First, I was forced to betray my family in order to protect Christen - all that being part of Becky's master plan to get revenge on the very people that ultimately got her daughter Rachel killed. Of course my family wasn't the best, neither the most functional, but everybody is dying and I cannot prevent it - The Patriarch was pulling the strings, and all I could do was stand there and watch my family die.

Second, my partnership with Becky (who very obviously is part of whoever The Patriarch is - or what group of people it is, to be exact) was getting very tensed: she wanted to go after Shelina Zadorsky, although the woman was pregnant and obviously was a pawn in my mother's empire. I didn't know Shelina very well, but I knew damn well that she was innocent and only was used by my family from the very beginning. 

Third, I was rather lost: I am a teenager, for God's sake. What teenager has to watch her family die and people wanting to take down the whole city with them ? I mean, I should just be focusing on my failed relationship with Dansby, and the disturbing feelings I have been having toward Rose lately - and for a while now. I should not be concerned about if my sister and her friends/girlfriend (sort of) were safe.

Quite immediately, Rose remarks that something is wrong and instinctively grabs my hand in hers, softly saying:

"Look, I don't know what's going on with your family, but know that I am here for you. Alright?"

I burst into tears.

As I melt into Rose's arms, images just come back rushing into my mind: my mother, as imperfect as she was, still was my mother, and nobody seems to care about her death, not even Christen. I have never felt so alone.

After a few seconds, I just stammer:

"T-They are all d-d-dead"

Frowning, but holding me closer, Rose whispers:


"My family... They're all... d-d-dead, and it's my f-fault..." I continue, my voice shaking.

"No, it's not, Mal" the brunette with the pale skin tries to reassure me, emphatically caressing my shoulders. As my tears become heavier, she adds: "Whatever happened to them, it is not your fault, it is only the fault of whoever killed them..."

I sob.

"Y-yes b-b-but I might have made a t-terrible mistake, R-Rosie..." I insist, feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Whatever it is, everything is going to be alright with time... I'm so sorry for your loss, Mal, you don't deserve to feel like that..."

I freeze.

Rose's clear blue eyes are now staring right into mine, as if she could feel my soul. As she very slowly leans in, my brain seems to shut down for a while, as my heart was beating faster into my chest. 

As our lips are only inches away, I suddenly realise what is going on: without really thinking, I have a backwards movement, and Rose immediately looks down, blushing, getting up in a rush.

She only has the time to say:

"Mal... I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

And the door rings: Kelley O'Hara is there to pick me up. Without looking back at Rose, I grab my bag and run down the stairs, getting into the car, as I can see her watching me from the window, her face in between her hands.

I feel even sicker.


(two months ago)

Kelley stares at me from across the table, raising her eyebrows.

"So, this is your masterplan, kid?" she asks, openly mocking me.

Rolling my eyes, I just respond:

"Believe me or not: this is the way of taking down The Patriarch once and for all."

"And why would you assume that I'd help you?" Kelley insists, obviously questioning my judgment. As I stare at her with a dark look, she quickly adds: "I mean, I have a lot to loose: my partnership with Press Corporation is a big part of my money making strategy..."

"Christen and I are Press Corporation" I seriously and harshly say, frowning. As she shows her interest, I confidently explain myself: "Your partnership with PC will not be put into question if you help me save what's left of my family's legacy. I want to take over Press Corporation when I hit majority, in order to restore our reputation and repair the wrong that's been done to Orange."

Kelley seems quite impressed, yet translated that through yet another smirk. 

"Well, I can now see why people have been telling me not to underestimate you this whole time. I am quite impressed, to be honest: in order to prove to you and your sister that I can be a trusted ally, you have my word that I will help you take down whoever is doing any wrong to Press Corporation, and you can count on my own personal security."

"Thank you"

"Oh, and" Kelley continues, handing me my phone, "Christen left you a message, and also someone called... Rose?"

"Alright, thanks" I say, taking the phone from her hands without even looking at her.

Once I am laying down on my bed, I read the first text, a smile on my lips:

From: Christen - Stay strong, my dear sister: I promise everything will be over soon, I will fix it, no matter what it costs. I love you.

Smiling, I just answer her with a black heart - our code language that symbolises our love for each other.

Taking a deep breath, I read the second text with apprehension:

From: Rose - Hi. Since you've gone radio silence for a month now, I figured I'd make the first step. I've been willing to apologise for jeopardising our friendship, but never found the right words: I am so, so sorry if anything I've done has hurt you and made you question the fact that I was your friend and that I care for you deeply. I hope we can talk and have a heart-to-heart conversation so that you can get mad at me and then you never have to talk to me again. Hope you're okay regardless, I hope to see you soon.

I shake my head, feeling my jaw tense up.

After answering to Christen's text, I mark Rose's message as read - I just didn't have it in me to find the right answer for her, although I know it was wrong of me to ignore her for a month (and counting).

Sighing, I just get ready for what's next... 

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