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Press Corporation has been actively searched for bombs, but nothing was found - which probably meant that either the whole bomb thing was just a bluff from Ali Krieger to scare us, or that Tobin and Lucy put the bombs elsewhere. 

As for now, I was on babysitting duty at home, with Alex, watching over Mallory. Things have been quite awkward since we kissed, but somehow multiple hands holding and hair brushing have occurred, making my heart jump out of my chest each and every time. But for now, there were more pressing matters than us.

Or at least I thought so.

It was late already when Alex closes Mallory's door and signifies me that she is now sound asleep. She then sits down on the couch next to me, tuning in the TV station announcing the day's world news - more wars, more stupid presidents, even more shootings in the USA ; a normal day some people might say. 

After a while, I feel Alex getting closer, her hand now finding its way on my leg. Quite surprised, I turn my head, only to see her deep blue eyes staring inside of mine. 

"So..." she starts, quite shyly. As I raise my eyebrows, she caresses my leg sensually, before adding: "We haven't gotten the chance to talk about... well, what happened the other day..."

I almost choke on my saliva.

"Listen, I don't have much to say, Alex..."

"Well, I do" she interrupts me, determined. When she grabs my hands, I almost jumps off of her, but I restrain myself from doing so, listening to her as she declares: "I can't believe it had taken me so long to come to a sort of understanding on what my feelings for you really were: I mean, you annoy me 99% of the time, that was clear... But still, the 1% left was giving me a hard time because it was all... messed up, y'know? I have trouble with.... human relationships, especially when they become intimate, and-"

I chuckle.

"Uh, Alex, you really don't have to-"

"Please, let me speak while I still want to" Alex insists, staring right into my eyes. I was feeling trapped (but in the good way), as she adds: "I-I just... you know, you're Kristie Mewis: everybody told me you were this heatless heartbreaker that never cared about anyone but her, so I had expectations when I met you, but then I realised you're not that person. Or, at least, you're not that person with me, Kris. And all this time, ever since we took over The Dragons together, these have been the best fourteen months of my life - hell, I even got to know you better, the real you! I just can't stop pretending that I don't feel all those things for you, Krisite, 'cause life's too short, and when you find your someone, then you should really go for it, so..."

I frown.

Alex doesn't even dare looking at me in the eyes, so I decide to end her misery: I slowly leans in, my eyes locked into hers, and when I trap her lips with mine, I can see her raising her eyebrows in surprise, before she kisses back almost immediately. When she puts her hands on my jaw, I take the chance to get her closer by putting my own on her back. My tongue asks for permission, which she grants me quite immediately, before pulling away suddenly, nevertheless not removing her hands from my jaw.

She closes her eyes, before whispering:

"Kristie, you don't-"

"Message received, loud and clear" I interrupt her this time, out of patience. Her confused little mug makes me smirk, as I add in a softer voice: "This is me going for my person, Alex. So, please just let me."


Alex immediately leans all in, kissing me with even more passion. It doesn't take long for us to rip off each other's clothes passionately, enjoying this moment of happiness in the middle of utter chaos and destruction, as if it would be our last.


"Why is everyone gay in this family?" a voice raises from the living room.

I jump off the bed, before realising that we fell asleep in my bedroom, the door wide open. 

Utterly blushing, I realise that my naked body wasn't covered, so I immediately jumps back into bed, buried in shame. Sam's laugh invades the apartment, as Mallory and Shelina quickly follow - they obviously were watching a movie for quite some time now, and just waited for us to wake up so that they could have a good laugh. Alex, who was woken up by my scream, pulls the cover up to her chin, embarrassed. 

Throwing daggers at my sister with my eyes only, I just hiss:

"Shut your filthy mouth, Samantha, and close the damn door."

But my sister isn't scared of me: rather, she just bursts into laughter again, before ending up saying:

"Alright, lovebirds, but hurry: Shel's made breakfast."

Rolling my eyes, I watch as Sam closes the door behind her, and that the three girls' laughs are muffled in purpose. 

As soon as the door is closed, I feel two cold hands caressing my back, calming me down.

I turn around and see Alex, quite amused by the whole scene, openly making fun of my reaction. Rolling my eyes at her now, I just say:

"Go ahead, just say it" I order, annoyed.

"Well, there's no going back now, my girl" Alex sensually whispers, before kissing my neck with insistance. As I moan in pleasure, her mouth goes up as she whispers into my ear: "Especially after all the moaning last night..."

Knowing that she was teasing me, I just throw a pillow at her, as we quickly get dressed and kiss each other a final time, before stepping into the living room, where Sam and Shelina were cooking, while Mallory was watching an Avenger movie - the one with Peggy Carter. Neither of them dared to make another comment, as we sit down next to Mallory.

Without a warning, and as Alex was looking away, Mallory raises her hand in front of me confidentially, waiting for me to high-five her. Quite amused, I do it, before she whispers:

"About damn time!" 

We both laugh, before spending the most quiet yet amusing day since a long, long time... If only we knew what was ahead...

Into My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora