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"What now?" I ask, annoyed and angry to the highest point.

The manor has been evacuated, as the police arrived at the scene of the crime about twenty minutes after the first call. Forensics were also there to determine the identity of the victim, and the point from which he fell exactly. Crystal, who remained by my and Mallory's side, was alert, looking everywhere and at everyone. 

Speaking of, my little sister seems quite shaken up, as she is sitting in a corner with Abby, who has her arms around her shoulder protectively - how lucky am I that she is my girlfriend? The chief of police, a woman called Julie Johnston, came right to me, ordering her squad around so that they wouldn't neglect any detail.

As she just told me that me and my sister should be under police protection for the next couple of days - or at least the time that they catch whoever did that - Sheriff Johnston seemed quite annoyed by my response.

"Consider yourself lucky that it wasn't you or one of your friends that was targeted, Mrs Press." the blonde honestly declares, looking around. She copes with Crystal's cold stare, but doesn't seem to be bothered, as she adds: "I have personally been assigned to your family's protection, and will also take over the investigation that has been killing two police officials already. Enough is enough."

"Well" I let out, not impressed, "I hope you're very good then, because Ali and Ash were good and they still got killed."

The sheriff frowns.

"Is that a threat?" she straightforwardly asks.

"A warning, rather" I announce, setting my jaw. After a brief pause, I add: "You must know that this attack was organised by a raising terrorist association within Orange called The Patriarch, whose sole goal is to dismantle if not take over Press Corporation: believe me when I say that this is even more complicated than you think."

Sheriff Johnston smirks, visibly amused.

"Don't you worry, Mrs Press: I am the best of my department - hell, of all Orange county. And my forensic genius, Lia Wälti, is the best in her field as well. We will get to the bottom of this, and I might require your help, as well as the Dragons'. I believe you're in contact with their leaders, correct?"

"Yes, Kristie Mewis and Alex Morgan, as well as their whole gang, have been named head security guards of the town."

"Unofficially, I believe" the blonde inquires, raising her eyebrow.

"It isn't illegal for a corporation to hire their own defenders, Sheriff" I sassily answer, not impressed by this new law enforcement person. I smirk, adding: "Although maybe you don't know that, since you seem pretty young to already be a Sheriff. Where are you coming from, m'mam?"

Julie Johnston smirks as well, really not impressed.

"We'll be in touch, Mrs Press, and don't worry: your and your family's security will be guaranteed, and this case solved."

I nod, as the Sheriff walks away toward forensics, who are analysing proofs on the body. 

I, on the other hand, turn around and walk back to Abby and Mallory, who were joined by Kristie, Alex, Shelina and Sam, as well as two or three Dragons members who I haven't been introduced to yet.

Kristie surprisingly pulls me into a tight hug, tapping my back, weirdly friendly, before saying in a low voice so that only I could hear her:

"I'm glad you're okay, jerk" and, pulling away (Abby and Sam seemed quite surprised), she turns and points at the three Dragons waiting around, explaining herself: "Those are Tobin Heath, Jill Roord, Lucy Bronze and Hailie Mace, our most fierce members, and they are going to assure each of your protections (she points at Abby, Mallory, Shelina, Sam and I, quite proud of herself). No discussion, because we care about y'all, and Shel is a new mommy, and now that Sam and her just k-"

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