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(one week later)

I have rarely been this tired in my entire life - and this is quite an understatement. This past week has been filled with reunions, helping police investigations and putting a solid foundation for the Dragons, that are now protected by the state - and that despite what the new sheriff thinks. 

Alex and I have been working late at night, even finishing at 5 AM one morning, and then starting to work again at 7:30 AM : the bags under our eyes were quite obviously testifying of all those hours of hard work - now I finally know what it's like to be Christen Press, although the Latina seems fresh every damn minute of the day, even when she hasn't slept. Quite surprisingly, we haven't talked about the awkward moment when I almost revealed my conflicted feelings toward her, which probably means that she isn't interested in me and never will be, preferring to ignore the fact that I ever said anything - and I am quite fine with it actually. 

This morning, when I arrive a little bit early to the Press family property, I realise that Tobin and Lucy already are there. 

To be honest, having them, as well as Jill and Hailie, now working for the greater good, is quite rewarding. Each one of those four has a complicated life story, that ultimately lead them to the Dragons, and therefore to delinquency. What Alex and I managed to do - which is, precisely, to take the gang out of illegal activities into legality - actually served our cause. Tobin is a legacy kid: her whole family was part of the Dragons, and she joined when she was young, and stayed even when they moved upstate. She studied at the University of San Diego, before serving time in the county jail for aggravated robbery, but ever since she has been back to the right path, even looking after the younger members. Lucy, on the other hand, was quite the impulsive one: she had to flew England because she has been caught laundering money for a local gang, and her only way to get out of their grip was to take refuge in California. She isn't a child at heart, but rather someone that has been failed by a broken system. As of Jill and Hailie, they also are legacy kids, but they lost most of their family members - even during the attack at the Dragons' headquarters two months ago - and decided to stick around and help the gang restaure justice. Jill comes from the Netherlands originally, while Hailie is a local girl. 

When Tobin and Lucy see me coming, the latter says in a strong accent:

"Oy, boss!"

By her side, Tobin only nods, chill as she always is.

"Hey" I only respond, lost in my thoughts. Alex still isn't there, which is unusual, but show must go on, so I continue: "Everything ready for today?"

"Sure thing" Tobin says, confident, "but you must know the new sheriff is there, waiting for Christen in there"

She points at the entrance door, that is now opened. 

Rolling my eyes, I thank the two women and walk straight inside the big house. Indeed, Julie Johnston was there, staring at a huge painting in front of her, a pile of sheets in between her hands. Frowning, I just stand there, my arms crossed, annoyed already by people that have no business always walking around. 

She soon realises that someone else is there, turning around slowly. Her outfit - which consists on a traditional brown sheriff vest with the crest on her sleeve, with a belt holding her gun, and tight black jeans. She has her hair tied in a ponytail, and her blue eyes seem to be looking for every ounce of detail that could contribute in crushing me.

After a while, I say:

"So, you're the new law enforcement chick" I let out, quite amused. As she seems surprised by my way of starting a conversation - and understandably not very happy - I continue: "Funny, I didn't think she'd be blonde and small."

"You must be Kristie Mewis - I've heard plenty about you" she sarcastically lets out, smirking. She doesn't even bother giving me her hand to shake, and instead announces: "Just so you know: I may be blonde and small, but I am here to stay, and solving this case is my chance to get promoted. So, please stay out of my way while I do so."

A cruel laugh escapes my throat.

"The Dragons are in charge of the Press' security, so you might as well tell me what you are doing here" I coldly say, already not liking this new chick. As she opens her mouth to talk, I quickly add: "Christen isn't here today, she's out of town for a meeting, so I see no valid reason for you to be here."

"She's here to see me, I think" a voice says behind us.

We both turn around, as Alex walks through the door, her arms angrily crossed against her chest. Before any of Alex and I can say anything, Julie Johnston raises her eyebrow, pointing her finger at me shamelessly, before saying:

"Well, you've got a type it seems"

Confused, I stare at Alex, waiting for any plausible explanation about how she knows this despicable person.

Sighing, the brunette only says, staring at the sheriff:

"There is nothing going on between Kristie and I (and, now looking at me, she just says) ; Kristie, meet my ex, Julie."

"Oh" I only let out, filled with jealously already. 

Why am I even jealous? I ask myself, confused. She said it herself: nothing is going on between us. Quite annoyed, I just watch as Alex awkwardly stares in between the sheriff and I.

This goes on for ten seconds or so, before the blonde bounces back:

"Anyways, it's you two I really meant to see, as well as Crystal and your two associates at your little gang."

Her nonchalant way of saying things just makes me roll my eyes, which was noticed not only by the sheriff, but also by Alex. 

"Well" I let out, not impressed, turning toward Alex, "I'll let you deal with her since you two have... history, per say, and I'll go check on our little gang."

"But, Kristie-" Alex starts.

But I don't let her finish: instead, I walk away, out of my mind.

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