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Christen climbs onto the stage, looking into the distance with confidence and determination. 

"Good morning, the good people of the beautiful Orange City" she starts, her voice only translating gratefulness and a will to go forward. The big crowd goes silent, as her voice fills the huge void: "Most of you present here already know who I am, so there is no need for me to present myself, which is good: I am not what's important today, but the future of our great city is.

I grew up in Orange, studied on one of the next cities, and I've dedicated my life getting at my parents' height business-speaking. Everybody know about the recent passing of my mother, my father and my two sisters, Channing and Tyler, and today I stand before you with the promise to only peak the truth: yes, they have been brutally murdered.

(a dramatic consternation noise emanates from the crowd, but Christen remains unmoved, and rather continues:)

Press Corporation, my family's business, has been mingling with shady businesses and people over the last few years, willingly disregarding the interests of the city and its residents: my parents were oriented toward money and power, but today I am here to give it all up.

My little sister, Mallory, almost died as well, and it opened my eyes: and today, I say, NO MORE. No more murders, no more lies, no more hypocrisy. As Press Corporation's heir, I have the immense pleasure to stand before y'all and say, at that very moment, that the company will have a change of purpose, and will cancel any existing contract with the gangs from surrounding cities, except from the Dragons, eminent Orange City's gang lead by two strong women, that I will be appointing as head of Press Corporation's and the city's protection, the gang therefore becoming an official organ of the law enforcement.

(applauses resonate within the crowd: everybody knows that the Dragons were harmless and more of a traditional group part of the landscape here in Orange.)

Press Corporation will now serve the purpose of a defender of public interests in California, and I personally commit to the future of this town and its surroundings by signing contracts with local lawyers companies and private cabinets. Orange can and will become a safe place for all minorities and majorities, where everybody can live in peace. And, thanks to the protection of the Dragons, we will be protected from foreign gangs or hostile organisations.

So, it is my great pleasure to announce the first ever Press Corporation Charity Gala on Friday, with free entrances - all are welcome! Me and my special someone will be waiting for you from 5 PM. 

Thank you very much to all of you."

A roar of applause resonate in the whole main street, as Christen makes her way down the stairs, straight toward Abby, before grabbing the blonde's cheeks between her hands and crashing her lips on my sister's without any shame or restreint. The blonde kisses back, as applauses burst out again.

Talk about an official announcement, I think to myself, feeling very happy that Abby had found somebody as strong, loving and passionate as Christen. I exchange a proud look with Kristie, who is right next to the stage with Alex and a handful of Dragons members. 

As the crowd starts dismantling and that my sisters and Christen were talking to different people, I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, and the shiver down my spine immediately indicates who it is.

I turn around, and come face to face with Shelina and a stroller, with little and adorable baby Maura Zadorsky, who had everything of her mother, especially her clear and hypnotising eyes. 

She smiles at me, before shyly saying:

"You look great, Sam!"

"U-um thanks, y-you too" I answer, already willing to throw myself off any bridge present in the surroundings.

Shelina laughs softly, as my stomach does summersaults because of it.

"I haven't really gotten the chance to thank you for what you did when Maura was born" the Canadian slowly says, carefully choosing her words. I blush and look down, as she goes on: "I never could've done it without you so, even if you seem to be colder and I feel like I've done something wrong lately, thank you so much."

I sigh.

"You haven't done anything wrong" I try to reassure her, and something in her eyes immediately change: she goes from worry to confusion. As she obviously was waiting for a continuation, I not really brilliantly try to explain myself: "I am just currently going through a... phase, let's say, and I have to deal with it on my own."

"Oh" Shelina lets out, visibly still confused but a little bit relieved, before she frowns: "Oh" she repeats, raising her eyebrow, "you know I'm here if you ever need to talk about anything."

"No" I say without thinking. Realising that hurt was now filling Shelina's eyes (only her eyes, since she has this ability to hide her feelings on her face), I urgently rectify: "I mean, sorry... I didn't mean to say no; I only meant that my issues somewhat were... uh, let's say, personal."

She seems to get it, but not the way I wanted her to.

"Oh" she repeats one more time, before blurting out: "I didn't realise you and Pat-"

"No, not... Pat, not Pat" I say, panicking.

For God's sake, Mewis, get it together!  I think to myself, aggressive. There is a new emotion on her eyes, but I cannot quite grasp the meaning of it.

Her tone is colder than usual when she declares:

"Oh, so you're with someone else ? I'm... well, happy for you, Sam, you deserve the world."

"I mean..." I start, as my thoughts were either extinct, or just repeating please say something dummy to myself. But nothing better comes than: "Kind of."

"Good for you, Sam!" Shelina repeats, and her voice seems to slightly breaks at some point, just before she manages to rectify her mistake: "I hope this person gets how lucky they are to have you, because you're incredibly funny, clever and... gorgeous."

Her last word was whispered, but it somehow resonated in my head.

If Shelina, after having blushed, wouldn't have excused herself and left, I probably couldn't have resisted this sudden urge I had to press my lips and body against hers. But, once again, I lost myself into her grey and dreamy eyes, and my words were gone.

Shit, shit, shit. SHIT

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