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{A/N: so visibly the comment section for the last chapter has been restored - it wasn't working yesterday - sorry about that xx}


Everything just turned to literal SHIT.

I mean, not only have we two more corpses on our hands, but we also have no idea who the head of The Patriarch is because we ruined her venue by entering the hangar - to be honest, we ruined it the moment Kelley O'Hara came in. I've never seen Julie this disoriented and at her wit's end: she hasn't slept in weeks, and now everything was relying on her shoulders, all the pressure from the media, from the different parties involved in the investigation, and right now since a FBI agent was killed and discovered to be a traitor, the FBI took over the case, asking the sheriff to assist them. 

Either way, I spent the whole night in my lab, analysing everything there was to analyse at the crime scene, but so far no results. In order to fully understand what is Kelley's part in this whole story, we needed to talk to her about the infamous empty USB-card she claimed to detain crucial information in. But right now, she is facing trial soon, and the fact that she escaped and got two people killed wasn't really looking great for her. 

Soon after 6 AM, the lab's door opens, and Julie enters, visibly at the verge of a breakdown. 

"Hi" she only says, before bursting into tears.

In the many years of our friendship, I have never seen her show this much emotions - except from that time in fifth grade when we lost our soccer game because of the referee who called in a penalty when she was in defence. But as of recently, it has been about six years since I haven't seen her cry: everybody think she is this heartless bitch, when in reality she just has trouble dealing with her feelings and hides them. 

Instinctively, I put the files down and surround her with my arms. 

She immediately responds by wrapping her own arms around my waist, pressing our bodies together, her chin relying on my shoulder. Without any warning, she kisses my neck softly - just a peck, enough to make me feel all the emotions I've been feeling for years around her - before burying her face on my neck. I softly caress her back, letting her delicate smell invade my nose and whole body, it seems.

After a while, she pulls away, looking down at her feet, embarrassed. 

"Sorry" she only says, not daring to look at me.

"Hey, it's fine: I'm glad you came to me" I whisper, grabbing her hand.

That causes her to look up at me and blush.

"Who would I go to if not to you, uh?"

"I sincerely hope nobody" I honestly let out, before realising what I said and blushing. After a moment, I add: "Jules, you're my best friend, and so much more."

Her beautiful blue eyes stare at me, as she cracks a smile:

"You too, Lia. You too..."

But before anything else can happen, Julie's phone ring, and she answers it. Quite immediately, her face lights up: finally a good news?


"Julie, it's Christen. Abby and Rose are awake, and they're saying Lucy Bronze and Tobin Heath are part of The Patriarch too. We need to arrest them."

That was the simple sentences Christen had to say to get all of us on our toes.

As Julie went patrolling on the streets of Orange and surrounding cities with many police and FBI units, all under her orders, while I am checking all security cameras from around the city. I was soon joined by Shelina, who has been named a civilian consultant with the police since her help has proven efficient in the past. The brunette was indeed very calm and professional, and she has a great critical mind from her diploma in Law at Harvard. 

So the two of us were looking through security cameras when she asks me, out of the blue:

"So, what is it between you and the sheriff, uh?"  

"Uh... I'm sorry, what?" I ask, surprised that she'd ask something like that right now.

The Canadian smirks. 

"I just noticed your phone case (a picture of Julie and I when we were 16) so I was wondering how long you guys have been friends for" she explains herself, before grinning. Of course I am a stupid idiot, at it is confirmed when she adds: "But now that you've have such a vivid reaction, I am wondering if there's more... Maybe best friends secretly in love wit each other?"

I sigh.

"It's, uh... complicated." I only say, blushing.

"Doesn't look that complicated to me, though" Shelina insists, and somehow I couldn't be angry at her because she was the most positive and selfless person I've ever met. This confirms when she adds: "Take it from a woman who has been burying her feelings for a year because she thought she only loved men."

"But how did you... you know, tell her? Made her feel like you were worth taking risks for?" 

She frowns.

"Honestly, I am not sure, but all I can tell you is: if you love her, you gotta tell her 'cause life is too short and full of surprises to just wait that it's too late, because then you'll be sorry" she confidentially says.

I nod my head.

"That is actually good advice, thank you..."

But before she can respond, her grey eyes go wide.

I immediately understand that this has nothing to do with our current conversation, but rather with what is going on on the screen in front of us. Indeed, it shows Tobin Heath near the Irvine Regional Park at the outskirts of town. The video is showing her near the cemetery at the edge of the shared location between the park in question and the town's cemetery. 

Frowning, Shelina asks:

"Is she..."

"Digging in a grave? Yes..." I let out, in shock.

But it wasn't it, and Shelina saw it:

"Wait, isn't that..."

We both lean forward closer to the screen as I type a few codes on my screen in order to zoom in and get rid of the pixels.

The name was written clearly and neat:

"Melissa Mewis' grave..." I whisper, taking my phone out.

I needed to warn Julie.

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