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The job interview went pretty much okay, as Kristie actually pulled some strings regarding my hiring - considering that she now is a gang leader and has people everywhere, including in the high spheres of the hospital. At least my years of medicine formation won't be for nothing, I think to myself, entering the car alongside my sister. Krisite, on the other hand, doesn't seem that reassured.

As I throw her an questioning stare, she looks at her phone and declares:

"It's been more than three hours, and Sam hasn't texted: something is wrong."

I roll my eyes at her.

"You're so dramatic" I let out, as she starts the car and drives straight to the office where our sister and Shelina were currently working. After a few minutes, I add: "I mean, even if something is wrong, don't forget she's with Shelina: this Canadian woman literally is the baddest bitch out there."

"Yeah" Kristie thoughtfully says, as she continues: "I feel in my guts that something is wrong, we should call the FBI chicks."


After all, there must be some subliminal sisterly connexion out there somewhere, so I had to trust Kristie: and thank God she felt it.

So here we are now: Kristie, me, and the two FBI agents with their guns pointed at Rachel Daly, herself pointing the gun at Shelina, with a totally freaked out Sam. It's been thirty seconds we've entered the office, and thirty second that a violent silence was establishing between all of us. 

Agent Krieger is the first one to talk, as Kristie and I are holding our breaths:

"Daly, drop the gun before somebody uselessly gets hurt."

But Rachel seemingly isn't herself anymore.

"I'm sorry, but I simply can't do that" she coldly answers, her hand not even shaking. As Shelina holds her breath while looking at us in distress, the Brit adds: "Stacey Press doesn't like being treated or believed like an idiot, which is exactly what all of you did."

"What do you mean?" Kristie asks in a strong voice, taking a step closer, while Rachel just eye-kill her. 

Obviously, seeing her ex-girlfriend wasn't calming her down even a little. 

"She knows all about your little plans" Rachel announces, before smirking. As Agent Harris is quietly making her way around the room without the Brit noticing, the latter continues: "How you've been working with the FBI in order to take the whole family down ; how you two {she points at Sam and Shelina} are downloading important intel on Press Corporation ; how this one {she points at me} just cold-hearted-ly killed her husband ; how you {Kristie} just took over the Dragons, destroying the undeniable full authority of the Family over them... I mean, the list can go on."

My heart misses a few beats: if Stacey Press knows about her husband's death, it means that Christen does too, which explains her long silence - I start to feel sick. 

Shelina nods her head slowly. 

"She knows about the pregnancy as well, doesn't she?" she carefully asks, frowning. As Rachel nods, she goes on: "Why didn't she say anything?"

"Because you would've accelerated the hacking if you knew your time was counted, Zadorsky, and she could not afford that."

"Daly" Agent Krieger insists, staring a her blankly, "you really don't need to do that: whatever they have on you, we can protect you."

"No you can't" Rachel says, smirking. 

This time, Kristie takes a few step ahead, as Agent Harris is warning her not to, as she herself was pretty close to being able to apprehend the young woman. Rachel's eyes go wide, as she now points her gun directly at my sister, causing Sam to also put her body in front of the gun. 

But Kristie is not beaten, as she slowly says:

"Rach, I know you: you're not a killer."

"Rectification: you knew me, Mewis, forever ago" the Brit settles, staring into her eyes with anger. As Kristie nods her head, she adds: "We never really dated, and then you just abandoned me poorly, so I do not consider you as someone who really knew me."

"I cared about you" my sister insists, carefully raising her hands, as Rachel tightens her grip around the gun. Breathing heavily, Kristie continues, still getting closer to the other girl: "Although I was too scared to admit it, I truly did, and I broke my own heart when breaking yours, and I will always regret it. But you can't throw your life away for a woman who would kill you the minute you're not useful enough."

Rachel smirks, before she points the gun at Shelina again, this time touching her neck directly. The pregnant woman stops breathing for a minute, as Sam takes a step closer to the Brit. Kristie, on the other hand, wasn't willing to let her younger sister die, so she warned her to get back with a stare.

Meanwhile, the shooter declares:

"I would die for this woman any day, so you're little dramatic act won't be enough today, Kristie."

"No, wait-" Kristie exclaims, but the gun shot makes a loud noise.

Everything goes very fast: while the Mewis sisters both ran at the blonde at the same time, Agent Harris, who was hiding behind her, just pointed her own gun at the Brit and shot. Sadly, it wasn't fast enough: the Brit had already turned around and shot at her first. This resulted in both women collapsing on the ground, bleeding their chests out. 

Shelina falls on the ground, as the bullet went through her shoulder, as she screams in pain. Sam immediately rushes toward her, applying pressure on the wound, while Kristie does the same with Rachel, in shock. Agent Krieger, on the other hand, ran toward her colleague and long-time best friend, before realising that there was nothing she could do: Ashlyn Harris was lying on the ground, her eyes wide open but empty. Enraged, Agent Krieger walks toward Rachel, pointing her gun at her, tears rushing down her face, but she soon realises nothing can be done either: the Brit only had seconds left before dying. 

And, right there, witnessing all of that but unable to move, I was standing still, horrified. Shelina's screaming in pain, Sam's attempt to stop her bleeding without freaking out, and two women dying on the ground - it was all too much, it reminded me of our dad. 

Wiping her tears away, Kristie closes Rachel's eyes, before walking toward me rapidly and pulling me into a tight hug, restraining herself from crying on my shoulder. We remained in that position, until she noticed something - or someone - behind me, and also stands there, horrified.

When I turn around, my breathing stops: Stacey and Christen Press are there, as well as some of their security guards, including Becky, a mother in deep pain. 

And Christen's gaze was lacking in any kind of emotions while staring right at me...

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