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A few minutes of silence accompanied the big reveal that my father made me in his death bed. Both Sam and Kristie seemed extremely shocked, but not septic: it was nice to see that they believed what I told them without really considering I could just lie. Ever since they hugged me, I have felt a somehow deeper connection to them, which I couldn't explain. But for now, I had bigger things to worry about.

Like the fact that our father was murdered by someone from the Press family. 

After a few more seconds, Kristie frowns and says:

"How is that even possible ?" and something in her voice indicated that she wasn't saying I was lying - no, she believed me, hence she was just shocked. Frowning, she adds, making big gestures: "Can you even make someone sick like 'hey bitch, let me give you fucking lung cancer?"

Sam looks down.

"I don't know..." I start, but Kristie wasn't going to stop right now.

"And why the hell would this damned Press family make our father sick? What did he ever do to them?" she continues, raising her voice.

This time, Sam puts her arm around Kristie's shoulders and, although the older sister didn't seem to like this contact, Sam's heigh allowed her to keep Kristie steady.

After a few seconds, she says:

"We have to find out what happened"

"Yes, but how?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "It's not like the Press are the most powerful family in town and their dad is kind of a drug lord or something..."

As soon as those words left my mouth, I knew that the sisters were about to tell me.

Shit, I think to myself, as Kristie says:

"You work for them, Abby."

"Yeah" I let out, raising my eyebrows, "so?"

This time, Sam is the one losing patience:

"If someone can try and find out what is going on, it's you dumbass! You are at the heart of their family, and Mrs Press seems to like you!"

"In case you didn't notice" I start, shaking my head and setting my jaw, "I ain't no fucking spy."

A silence fall between us.

And thank got it did: at the end of the corridor, the elevator opens, only to see three women walk their way to us: Mrs Press is there, up front, quickly walking toward us, while two familiar faces follow her: Christen and Becky. Frowning, I immediately exchange a look with Kristie, making her understand that she couldn't say anything for not, otherwise we would be in some kind of danger and it would be bad for our "mission". 

When the three women arrive near us, Mrs Press dramatically starts telling us how sorry she is for our father, before pulling me into a very tight hug, squeezing me against her, as if she was trying to choke me. I sense Kristie and Sam exchanging a look, while Pat, Sam's boyfriend, was back with coffees. 

As I open my eyes again, still in Mrs Press' arms, I briefly catch eyes with Becky, before locking with Christen's. Her green eyes are also stuck on me, as her face shows no emotions. She doesn't look away, and so don't I. After a moment, however, I try to escape from Mrs Press' embrace, blushing slightly: I hate human contact.

The rich woman stares at me, grabbing my shoulders.

"Oh, Abigail... I am mortified by the news...." she starts, before realising that there were other people by my side. When she stares at Sam and Kristie, she continues: "You must be Andrew's daughters... All my condolences... We were so sad when Melissa passed, and-"

"Do not talk about her" Kristie rudely warns her, setting her jaw. 

Becky steps forward.

"Watch your tone, Mewis." she orders, frowning.

Mrs Press immediately calls her housekeeper back, before stating:

"Easy, easy... We are there to pay respect to your father, girls, we did not come to create a mess. I apologise for bringing up your mother, Kristen." and, while Kristie just nods her head quietly, Mrs Press stares at me again, before saying: "Abigail, just know that our family will support you and your sisters in any way you'd find useful... For instance, I can give you a month off with remuneration, or-"

"Thank you, Mrs Press" I smoothly interrupt her, while my thoughts are rushing in my head: Kristie's words keep appearing. Without really thinking about the consequences of the choice I boldly make now, I only say: "I will keep on working with Mallory, she is a great kid and she needs my help, if that is alright with you, m'mam."

For the first time, I can see in Becky's eyes some sort of affection toward me, as if the words I just said about Mallory were everything she has been waiting for in order to trust me. Mrs Press, on the other hand, seems absolutely touched by those words.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Sam throwing me a thankful look, and Kristie seeming pretty pleased. 

Mrs Press nods her head, before saying:

"Alright, dear, as you wish. My daughter is lucky to have you by her side ; we couldn't have dreamt of a better keeper."

"She makes it easy, m'mam." I say.

"You should take some credit, Abigail" Mrs Press insists, before saying: "Alright, we will leave you and your sisters some space in your grievance, and we will see you tomorrow at eight, then. Take care, girls."

While Sam and Kristie don't answer, I only nod and give her a fake smile - but she doesn't realise. Becky also throws me a look full of compassion, before following her employer. 

Christen, on the other hand, stands still for a few seconds, only staring at me, ignoring everybody else. I can feel that something, in her eyes, were sensing danger - maybe she figured out what we were up to. But she only stares, and says nothing, before cracking a very quick, soft smile, and walking away.

Frowning, I just don't move.

Sam and Kristie, as well as Pat, seem pretty confused by this interaction. The younger girl immediately says, as soon as I turn toward them:

"I think she is the creepiest girl of this damned family".

Pat nods, as Kristie frowns.

"So, now you agree?" she only asks me, raising her eyebrow.

Nodding my head, and thinking of the cold yet warm stare that was just exchanged with Christen - and not knowing if it was to avenge our father and uncover the mystery of his death or only toxic curiosity - I only say:


Satisfied, Kristie then puts her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly, before we go back to grieving our father. For the first time in my life, I had this strange impression of not being alone, of having a family.

Of having sisters.

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