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Both Kristie and I are speechless, as the three women are waiting on our response to everything they just told us.

If one was to make a 10-bullet recap, it would look like this:

1) Christen's overdose really put the Press family in a dangerous place regarding their understandings with other notorious families: what occurs when the very public image of the family collapses is that trust falls apart with it. 

2) Stacey Press (Christen's mom) has been a wreck ever since her daughter is in a coma: nobody has seen her for three weeks. 

3) Cody Press (Christen's dad) is now fully back in Orange and in charge of the whole operation - and he takes no prisoners: in other words, the two FBI agents believe that he will launch an offensive in order to reaffirm his supremacy, and that might involve loads of deaths.  

4) The Patriarch (Cody Press' sweet villain name in the drug markets) decided that Shelina had no choice but remain by his side as the perfect little family he has constructed in other people's mind - to put it simply: Shelina took over Christen's spot in the business. 

5) He also enrolled Becky and Rachel into working with him, as they always have been spies for him (shocking, right?)

6) Abby might most probably be targeted since Stacey and Cody Press hold her accountable for their daughter's rebellion. 

7) Agents Krieger and Harris believe that Kristie and I are the only ones able to help them at this point. 

8) They want Kristie to work with them on undercover operations, like going with them on the field in order to help them find out who the Press want to kill.

9) I am to help them especially from a computer-level since I have many skills that might serve the FBI, such as pirating or implanting viruses.

10) Shelina is one month pregnant, so we have less than six months to get her out of this otherwise she will be killed.

In conclusion: they want Kristie and I to be badasses...

"This is insane!" Kristie confidentially exclaims, taking her face between her hands, in shock. As I am about to puke, she continues: "Alright, fine, I am an asshole that deserves to die on the battlefield so I get why you chose me bu... Sammy? I-would-never-hurt-even-a-fly Sammy?"

I nod. 

"Like we said: we are short of options, ladies, and you really don't have a choice either way." Agent Krieger remarks, in a calm tone. "It is either you work with us and try to take the Press family down and find proofs about their implication in your father's death, nor you don't work with us and get yourselves killed, along with Abigail."

"Well, so nicely put, it is hard to say no" Kristie ironically lets out, rolling her eyes once again.

"Cut off the crap, Mewis" Agent Harris orders, obviously annoyed with Kristie's... well, continuous character, what do you want me to tell you? Either way, the tattooed blonde continues: "This is the most serious affair of the decade - hell, of our lives! So you better start taking this seriously because if you don't and come across Cody Press or any of his little friends, well, you're dead."

Kristie scoffs.

"Was that supposed to scare us?" she asks, defiant. 

"It... It worked" I whisper, shaking. 

My older sister throws me a spiteful stare, before rolling her eyes one final time and just shutting the hell up.

Before any of us would say anything, Shelina gets into the mix:

Into My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang