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I am trying very hard to maintain my breathing at a reasonable rate so that I wouldn't collapse at the very second my eyes would be laid upon Christen's inanimate body.

As soon as I entered the room, I felt a strange feeling inside my stomach, that would be coming from deeper than ever before. Mallory was ahead of me, as I was pushing her chair. Thankfully, nobody else was in the room with her. Just us. The sight of her beautiful and peaceful face just give me goosebumps, as I wouldn't allow myself to feel things for somebody who might not wake up any time soon. I had to protect my heart.

Mallory must've felt the tension in my muscles, as she softly grabs my hand and says:

"I know this is hard for you, but that might be the only time you can see her without anyone else around. So, make the most of it please."

With that said, she turns around and rolls herself out of the room.

And here I now am: standing above the body of a person that might make me feel like nobody else before, unable to help her in any way. The sole idea of her meaning to end her life just broke my heart, and in some ways I was really mad at her for that: she tried to leave me, and although I shouldn't see that as abandonment, it kind of felt like it anyway. When I carefully sit down next to her - trying my best not to move anything, as if she would wake up if I made too much noise or movements - I feel my heart beating faster against my chest.

Closing my eyes, I grab her hand slowly, against my will.

Suddenly, I just start laughing pathetically, as tears were rushing down my face like a waterfall - a very sad, cringe waterfall. I start squeezing her hand tighter, as all those tears that wouldn't leave my body for weeks were now rolling down my cheeks. My body starts trembling, as my head crashes on Christen's chest, just bellow her chin. Her scent - that hadn't faded away the slightest bit - just invades my nose and entire body, and for a moment I felt as if nothing had changed: I felt just like when we were dancing at the ball, like when we kissed each other... As if her family, Shelina, the gangs and everything else never happened.

I continue to tear up, grabbing her body in the process, whispering:

"Y-you h-h-had n-n-n-no right t-t-to l-lea-ve m-me on m-m-my own... I-I feel s-so guilty..."

I don't even hear the door opening.

It is only when I feel a hand on my shoulder that I jump on my feet, immediately wiping my tears away. It is to my highest surprise that I realise Cody Press is standing there, staring at me, his eyes throwing daggers.

My body immediately tenses up: he is going to kill me.

"Abigail Dahlkemper" he slowly articulates, his hand on his gun, clearly proving to me that he wouldn't hesitate if I tried anything stupid like running away or attacking him. So I just stand there, petrified, as he states: "I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Andrew's daughter, his blood and flesh, alive, before my eyes... You know, kid, your father was my best friend before he betrayed me."

"Betrayed you?" I ask, frowning.

What now? I ask myself, not sure if my mental health was ready for yet another reveal on my late father.

Although I wanted to just jump on him and kill him with my bare hand since it has been proven that he is behind my father's death, Cody Press just smirks and continues on the same detached tone:

"I gave him power, a crew to look after, and a reason to live: he was the leader of the Dragons. When he married Melissa (Sam and Kristie's mother) I thought he was going to turn his vest on me to protect his family, but he just kept on lying. He was the perfect hitman: loyal, strong, with no conscience whatsoever... But everything changed when Kristie caught feelings for the Daly girl, who is working for me. Andrew got scared, and he screwed me over, turning the Dragons against me. So I had to kill him, naturally."

I set my jaw.

"Then, you came into the equation" he goes on, the situation obviously being very ironic to him, "and when he died, you started searching for answers... I mean, well done, kid, you infiltrated my family, befriended my sweet Mallory, made Christen fall for you... A real mastermind... I almost regret that you didn't come sooner so I would've made you leader of the Dragons."

"I never would have worked for you, Mr Press" I spit out, starting to feel my blood pressure drop.

"I think you underestimate yourself, Abigail..." the Patriarch continues, his eyes obviously assessing his superiority. He removes his hand from the gun, before saying: "As I was saying: you impressed me, and I have been waiting for you to come here for weeks so that we could finally have this chat. Now, tell me something, kid: do you really know what you got yourself into by coming in Orange and investing my family, uh?"

I shake my head hesitantly, frowning.

What the hell did I get myself into again? I ask myself, regretting not to have warned Kristie, Sam or the FBI agents that I was coming there, just in case of. Of course you hadn't: stupid Abby wouldn't need any help since she's always so fakingly strong, right?

Cody Press nods his head, content.

"Come on, Miss Dahlkemper... You know that we both cherish Christen and would do anything to protect her..."

"Well, obviously we both failed our parts, then, sir." I sarcastically let out, raising my eyebrow.

His face changes slightly.

"The way that I see it, you have two choices, Miss Dahlkemper: either you willingly start working for me within the Dragons - because I need them back under my power - nor you will disappear from the surface of the planet in the next few days. Your choice."

I frown.

"Why would you want me to be working for you, sir? I mean, you know deep inside that I would betray you as soon as Christen wakes up and is safe, you know that very well. Why bet on a youngster that has zero experience and isn't loyal to you?"

Cody Press smirks.

"Because you're Andrew Dahlkemper's daughter; his blood, his legacy, and the Dragons will only respond to a next-to-kin leader. Plus, you've got nothing to lose, and who knows, maybe Christen can be yours if you're on our side after all..."

I smirk, before saying:


"As you want, Dahlkemper."

With that said, he points his gun at me, and everything that happens next is blurry...

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