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October 31st, Halloween.

Tristen Ashley
"Oh my goddd, you're so frickin' adorable!" I grinned as I snapped pictures of Milo in his raccoon costume.

"Milo," I said getting his attention, "Say, Happy Halloween!"

"Appy Loloween," he cheesed.

"Awwww," I said.

Rodrick chuckled behind me, "Mann y'all look what the hell she got my boy in for Halloween."

I turned around to see him recording us.

"Stop it's cute!" I laughed and he did too and stopped recording.

I went over to him and leaned on him to watch, he'd already posted it, with happy Halloween in a orange font.

"Aw," I said, "you're gonna dress up with me right?" I asked him and he nodded.

My eyes widened, "Really!" I was surprised.

He'd been telling me that he didn't do the whole dress up up thing, so I was disappointed. But to hear him say he was was excitingly

"Yeah, so I been thinking maybe I should be just a buzzkill, and not dress up,. So I decided to please both you and me.." he said and I waited impatiently.

"I'ma be Roddy Ricch," he cheesed.

My smile fell and he started laughing.

"That's not funny," I smacked his chest, "I thought you were serious!"

"What, I am," he laughed, "come here," he pulled me back to him.

"Look the most you'll get out of me is picking my hair out and me being a nigga off soul train." He laughed.

"That'll work," I said and he sucked his teeth.

"I was playing." He said.

"Well I wasn't." I said. "I'm finna go get dressed." I said.

"Where you going?"

"Nowhere, I got one more costume I wanna do." I said.

"What? You just did hella shoots yesterday.. you tryna do some more?"

"Um.. yes?" I said, "I did all those with Kiera.. I want some of my own now." I said and he understood that.

"I get that but we just got back yesterday morning, you haven't really slept." He said.

"I'm fine, baby." I reassured him.

We did just get back yesterday and I haven't slept but maybe a few hours. Which was weird.

"Yeah, but when you crash don't expect me to lay up with you the whole time, I know how you are." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

Usually after a flight I'm tired, I sleep for days, but I haven't really had time to. I had been busy, working on shoots with a photography friend Kiera, for Halloween. We did a couple of looks together, and I took some of hers. It was pretty late when I got home. And then I got up early this morning because my mom was dropping Milo off.

I'd been up since then.

"If I wanna lay up with you I will." I said.

"Anyways. Who you gonna be?"

"I was gonna let you pick." I shrugged going over to him.

"Word?" He said, rubbing his hands together.

"You know that shit you did as Storm was fine a hell.. I wanna see you do some shit no one would think of though." He said as I thought about all the wigs I had.

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