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I been tryna post this for 3 days, 🥴 Wattpad fr wouldn't let me but I finally got it to post, so enjoy 😌

3 months later...

Tristen Moore

"Are you done?" Milo nodded his head yes giggling.

"Are you being honest?" I asked him and he didn't respond other than giggling and I knew he hadn't even tried.

I was now in the early stages of potty training with Milo as the end of September came.

And even though I didn't want to start without Rodrick, since he wanted to do this with him, Milo couldn't wait.

He had gotten to the point where he was ripping his pull ups off right after I'd change him while they were fresh and clean. He was wasting them, and pull ups ain't cheap.

Since he was already staying dry during the day, I knew he was ready.

He was probably annoyed at me, but I wasn't trying to be changing Milo and a newborn at the same time, so I was making sure I was persistent about him going as often as he needed to in order to stay dry.

The main problem now was him pooping. He never let me know when he had to poop, and honestly, with the way his shit smells now, I don't want any parts of it no time soon.

Three weeks in though, I feel like I'm making decent progress.

"Stand up, we'll try again later." I told him and he stood on the little stool, and I redressed him in a pull up instead of underwear since he was about to go down for nap anyways.

After helping him wash his hands in the sink, I picked him up to put him in the bed under his blanket, kissing him on his head. He curled up immediately and I turned the lights off in the room before getting in next to him.

Outside of potty training, I guess you could say I had been busy nesting, doing all that I could except the major things so that Roddy could be here to help me out at least a little.

I'd took time off from working, just so I could focus on myself and baby girl before she got here.

My pregnancy had flew by, and I now only had a month and a half left until baby girl arrival. That also meant that I only had about three weeks until Rodrick was released, since he got out a few days before his birthday.

Once I peeped that Milo was sleep, I slide away from him and got out the bed so I could go down the hall to the room Rodrick had suggested for the baby.

It was the room that held boxes mostly, stuff that he'd never gotten a chance to put away after it was ordered or simply just gifts from designer brands.

The room was slightly smaller than Milo's bedroom, but had about the same amount of light coming through the windows despite being on the back side of the house.

I walked over to the walk where I had 7 different paint colors on the wall trying to figure out which color I wanted. But every time I thought about it, I got exhausted.

So I decided to leave this for Rodrick to do, and hopefully it wouldn't be too late when he finished the task.

I heard my phone ring in the bedroom causing me to waddle my way back before it woke Milo up, but it was a lost cause cause when I got to the room, Milo was sitting up in the middle of the bed.

I sighed, "I'm sorry my baby, mama forgot to silence her phone," I said walking to him. He had the meanest mug on his face looking like his daddy.

I grabbed my phone and answered quickly, recognizing the number.

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