Not an update...

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So this isn't a chapter, sorry y'all lol but this is a update on my other stories.

So first off, y'all really doing y'all thing on this book, I'm loving the comments and stuff, so what I'll probably end up doing about halfway through the book is a q&a so y'all can ask the characters questions that y'all think need some real answers. But that probably won't happen for another 10-15 chapters so a lot of shit is gonna get real before then.
That's the plan.
I'm also gonna start asking questions at the end. I need to work on engaging with my followers cause I'm really trash at responding to ppl, let's be honest lmao unless you're my mans or my moms I can't bring myself to respond. Physically.

Next, I wanna talk about LOSE CONTROL.
Like no cap, I'm really struggling on that one because all I can envision in my head is ENTANGLEMENT. And that's not how I want it to go down lol so I'm stuck on that one. I've been working on it so be patient but pls don't expect an update ASAP or message me for an update.

And lastly, WAR BABY.
I wrote two new chapter yesterday out of of the blue.
But since I already had like ten chapters written up, I've had to reroute a lot of things, now shit not adding up, so I gotta rethink that whole game plan because my second idea was better than the first lol. Plus it's missing something and I can't put my finger on it yet 🤔
Soooo I won't be posting for that book for a little minute either until I get it figured out.

BUT in the mean time, y'all enjoy Picture Perfect cause I'm updating this book tomorrow in like ten minutes. 😀

This seems like a good time to plug in my Social Media. Outside of Wattpad, my life mainly revolves around Photography and Education. I'm in school to be a educator but I had to take a break due to corona, and work on stacking my money. That's where Photography comes in. My fiancé and I have a business called CO Snapped.

The C is for his name (Caevin) and the O is for me (Olivia), we literally do it all, from maternity and newborn shoots to music videos and commercials. So defiantly check us out! And you can figure out my handles from there, everything is on that page! (Feel free to follow my dogs accounts too lmao) yes they have instagrams.

Anywaysssssss... new chapter otw, proofreading it now.


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