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4 more chapters 🥹

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Tristen Moore

"You're kidding." I said as I looked at the screen, "say you are, please." I added looking to my doctor.

"I'm sorry, but that would be against my oath," she said as she pointed to the monitor, where a BABY was growing inside of me.

"I take it you weren't planning?" She asked and I nodded, "I wasn't, at all." I said thinking how Rodrick wasn't even here to witness this moment, once again.

"Well, you and your baby are completely healthy, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

That was good news, considering I've been drinking more lately.

I felt her wipe the cool gel off my stomach and I pulled my shirt back down before sitting up.

"How far along am I?" I asked. My stomach was still small, so it was barely noticeable, outside of the weight I had gained.

Since Rodrick left almost two months ago, I had been feeling off and I couldn't pinpoint it anymore, so I finally sucked it up and went to the doctor.

I had thought it was stress related but, apparently not because here I was finding out that I was pregnant.

"Looks to be about 3, coming up on 4 months in a week." She said and my eyes widened.


She nodded, "How long have you been experiencing symptoms?"

"Just two months.. but now that I think about it, it could've been longer." I said remembering the times where I had gotten sick randomly before or felt down.

"Well it's completely normal to not know early on in your pregnancy just as it is to know. A lot of women can go almost to end of term and not even know."

"I had been thinking that too, but thought it was just the food, because I have been eating a lot more."

"Looks like you body has been showing you signs but you weren't thinking too much of it, with everything going on ." She said and I couldn't say anything to that because she was right.

"Now, you are far along enough for the gender and I saw it clear as day on the screen, do you want to know the gender right now?"

"No, not yet, I'd like to find out with Rodrick this time." I said.

"Oh, how is he anyways? I heard about the charges he got hit with, I gotta say, I don't agree with it at all."

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