"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Not according to you, anyway."

"Look, if you've got something to say, don't be shy. Spit it out," Harry retorts.

"Alright, I'll spit it out. But don't expect me to be grateful because there's another damn thing we've gotta find."

"I thought you knew what you signed up for, Sam and Hermione did."

"Yeah, I thought I did too," Ron spits.

"Well, then I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand," Harry says as he stands, "What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we were gonna be staying in a hotel? Finding Horcruxes every other day? Thought you'd be back by Christmas?"

"I just thought, after all this time we would've actually achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing?" Ron shouts.

Sam and Hermione stand up and approach them as Harry continues, "I told you everything Dumbledore told me. And in case you haven't noticed, we found a Horcrux already."

"Yeah and we're about as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them, aren't we?"

Sam stands in front of Ron, "Ron, please, take-" she puts her hands on his chest, but he pushes her away.

Hermione steps up, "Please, take the Horcrux off. You wouldn't be saying any of this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."

"You want to know why I listen to that radio all day?" Ron asks Harry in agitation, "To make sure I don't hear Fred's name, of George, or Mum."

"You think I'm not listening too?" Harry asks as he raises his voice, "You think I don't know how this feels?"

"No, you don't know how this feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron shouts.

Harry runs up to him and they begin fighting. Sam and Hermione pull them apart, "Stop. Stop."

"Fine, then go!" Harry shouts.

"Fine," Ron states as he throws off the Horcrux and grabs his things.

Hermione tries to stop him and he continues, "What about you, are you coming or are you staying?"

Hermione looks between Harry and Ron and steps back towards Harry in conflict.

"Fine. I get it. I saw you two the other night," Ron spits out in anger, "Sam and I have been noticing how close you two have become."

Hermione looks between Sam and Ron as a tear falls, "That's- it's nothing," Hermione explains.

Sam nods at her in understanding and Ron turns to her expectantly, "Come on, get your things."

Sam looks at him in utter shock and pain, "We can't just leave. Please, Ron, you're not thinking clearly," her own tears fall from her eyes.

"What? After all this, you're still choosing him? Over family?"

She looks between them all, "This is our family now, all of us, we're family too."

"Not anymore," he argues as he exits the tent.

"Ron," Hermione shouts as she goes after him.

Sam feels her heart crack at the loss and she turns to Harry, "You're not- do you have feelings for-"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Fine, then. If you don't trust me, leave!"

He waits for her eyes to shift and for her to scream at him, but all that happens is more silent tears.

She nods, "It's always going to come back to this, isn't it? Us fighting, you turning away from me. I have seen you getting closer with Hermione and drifting away from us and I get it. I do. But I pushed it aside because I knew you loved me, after everything we've been through, everything you've said..."

They both hear Hermione calling after Ron and then sound of a loud crack. They know he's gone. Sam lowers her head at the thought that she may never find him again.

"If you want me to go," she whispers, "I'll go."

She walks away, without grabbing her things. She exits the tent and walks past Hermione. Hermione quickly grabs her arm and turns her around. Sam notices the wet trails down her face. Sam feels her heart shatter at the events of the night.

"Please, don't go. Not you too. I can't lose you both, please," Hermione begs.

Sam shakes her head, "He wants me gone. It's okay, Hermione-"

"Nothing happened between us, Sam. Please, you have to believe me. You know who I love!"

Sam nods, "I know, but I'm not sure who Harry loves anymore. I can't stay."

Hermione shakes her head frantically, "He loves you, please believe me. He's just upset."

Sam pulls away from Hermione, "I can't do this. I'm going to break, Hermione. Can't you see? Look at my eyes."

Hermione notices the green breaking through the darkness, but she also sees how watery they are. She breaks down.

"Let me talk to him-"

"Hermione, my rage is getting unbearable..." she warns.

They don't notice Harry walking out of the tent and Hermione continues, "He loves you-"

"I hate him!" Sam finally snaps, "After all of this time! I've stood by him! I waited! I fought my instincts and I believed him! Ron is gone! He's gone, Hermione! My heart is shattered into a million pieces! I hate him!"

The rage continues to rise and her hands are engulfed in green flames. Harry runs up to her and holds her arms down.

"Hermione, do something!" Harry shouts.

Sam fights him and screams the loudest she can bear. He shields Hermione from the blow with all his might. He holds onto her as his heart breaks from her words.

"Get the hell away from me! I hate you!"

"No, you don't," he convinces, mostly just himself.

Hermione pulls out her wand, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Sam falls limp in Harry's arms. He lifts her up bridal style and holds her close to him. Her eyes remain open as she watches him take her back into the tent and sets her down in her own bed. She can hear Hermione falling apart in her own room at everything that's happened.

Harry sits down next to her and gently moves her hair from around her face. Sam's anger flares up at what they've done to her. He stares at the floor as he touches her hand.

"I don't want you to leave, Sam. I need you. I'm sorry, I know I promised to be better, but I just wasn't prepared for this. I've gravitated towards Hermione because she seemed to be the only one that knew how to help me be better for you. I didn't think about what you would think... I'm not trying to control you and keep you from leaving just because I need you here. You're not safe out there on your own. You-Know-Who is still looking for you and with his army out there, he'll find you. I can't risk it, you understand?"

He looks into her eyes and he watches as they change to a fiery green that rages in anger.

He sighs deeply, "You have every right to be angry with me, I don't blame you. I'm angry with myself. But I love you... even if you hate me. I'll wait forever until you come back to me," he chuckles to ease the tension, "I'll annoy you until you love me again."

He looks at her once more and he notices her eyes have returned to that familiar hazel color that he's loved since he first saw her. He can still see the anger and resentment in them, though. He gives her a small, sad smile before standing up and walking away. She stares at the ceiling as a single tear falls from her eye.

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