Fate B) (Stevie Ending)

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(Sorry that this one might be a little on the short side, but I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted to do for this chapter but could only stretch it so long while still keeping to at least my idea of Stevie)

Your POV

A guard opened your door, pointing a gun at your head.

"Move and you die."

He said, voice bored, as if this was a natural occurrence for him.

Maybe it is.

You thought.

A second guard tossed someone into your cell, then the first slammed the door shut, before they both retreated down the hallway. This action registered a second too late in your mind to catch them. 

You dove forwards to help your friend up.


He looked up at you with panicked eyes, before seeming to recognize your face.


He choked out. He dragged himself further into the room.

"Oh my god, (Y/N), you have no idea what I've been through!"

You were taken aback.

"What you've been through?"

You echoed.


He cried.

"I am a Hall Monitor! Being chased down by smartly dressed men with guns is far above my pay grade! And,"

He gestured to his busted lip.

"One of them hit me! I'm bleeding out!"

You stared at him.

"Oh god, I'm starting to feel faint."

He wisped. 

"You have to lose at least 30 percent of your blood to pass out."

You groaned, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip. He sat up.



"Where did I go wrong?"

You turned to look at him.

"I was just a hall monitor. Never stepping out of my comfort zone. The same thing every day, and now suddenly I'm in a dungeon."

"I'm sorry."

You said.

"I think that might be my fault."

He laughed a little.


You felt a weight settle in your chest. It was definitely your fault. You had torn apart 12 people's lives, and you were now all in danger of dying.

Stevie's POV (I think for the first time ever)

He saw her expression dim.

"It hasn't been all bad though."

He said quickly.

"There have been some parts that were pretty cool."


You said despondently.

"And if I'd never met you, I wouldn't have learned a lot of things."

He added. Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Like what? Don't follow people into a sewer drain unless you want to end up in a dungeon?"

 He took a deep breath.

"Like....um, hallmonitoringisnteverything."

He said, spitting the disloyal words out as quickly as he could. Your face brightened.


He nodded.


You smiled.

"You know, you're pretty cool Stevie."

Cool? Stevie had never been cool before. Socializing, particularly with pretty girls such as you had never been a talent of his. He stayed within the lines, prioritizing rules over his morals. Even when he disagreed with the methods of someone in authority, he never questioned them. 

Lawful good.


He said meekly. 

You were more chaotic good, like Kid. Prioritizing people and your morals over already set rules. When you saw something you didn't like, you changed it, even if it meant getting in trouble. 

The two of you sat in silence.

"We're gonna make it through this. Trust me."

You said. 

"I hope so."


"Can I have a hug?"

"Of course Stevie."

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