Murder Accusations And Friends!

702 22 12

Your POV


"God, no!"

"Um, I'd rather not...?"

"As if I'm spilling my guts to all of YOU."

"Heck no!"

Many voices overlapped at once, all expressing their discontent at this idea.

"I think it would be kinda fun, actually."

You said, voice carrying over the others.

Everyone went quiet.

Monty, being the one person who hadn't argued was the first to speak.

"Meh. If we all make an oath of silence, it's fine by me."

"I wanna play!"

Emma squealed, latching herself onto your arm.

Kid huffed, but shrugged. Lily and Billy looked at each other, and gave each other a series of looks, that you assumed meant something. About 10 looks later, Billy grinned at you and nodded, and Lily just huffed.

 Nugget laughed happily, which you hoped was a sign of consent.

Ozzy and Jerome just grumbled and made non-committal noises, which you decided to interpret as a yes, so the last person was Ted.

You looked at him, and the kid looked seriously awkward. It was then that you realized that he probably had a lot of truths he didn't want spilled.

"We don't have to play if you don't want to."

You said softly.

He smiled at you slightly.

"No, it's-no it's ok-okay."

He stuttered.

Poor kid. Looks really nervous.

You gave Kid a look, that you hoped he would see as 'I know you don't like him, but please be nice to Ted, because he's agreeing to what we want to play even though he really doesn't want to, so don't be to hard on him, because I think he's having a rough time'.

But then, completely disregarding your meaningful look, he blurted:

"Okay. I'll go first. Ted, truth or dare?"


Monty, noticing your distraught face, interrupted before Ted had to answer.

"Hey, why do you get to ask first?"

"Well, why not?"

Carla jumped in.

"Because it was my idea!"

"So? You didn't invent the game."

You sighed in relief, hoping that Carla and Kid's argument would last long enough for you to talk to Ted.

You scooted over next to him, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to go along with what everyone else is doing, you know."

You whispered to him.

"I always have before."

He whispered back, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

" I want this to be fun for you, so if you don't want to play, we can do something else."

He gave you a confused look.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now