I'm Just KIDding (Haha, I'm Hilarious)

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(Very sorry about that pun. I apologize for wasting your time. It has literally nothing to do with the chapter)

(Also, I had an idea. So, I'm going to do an ending for every character, but they won't all be at the end. For example, in a couple chapters you may have a choice on who's side to take in an argument, which would lead to a specific ending, whereas if you chose the other one, you would just continue reading the complete fan fiction. And 2 B clear, no, I am not doing the teachers. Only hall monitors and students.)

(Also, trigger warning. There is going to be some sad stuff in this chapter, sooooooooooooo)

Your POV

The rest of the day went by rather uneventfully, with the exception of you learning that Carla had friends other then you, (you were less jealous then Carla seemed to expect you to be) and you learned that they were not, in fact, the kind of delinquents you expected she would associate with.

Nothing was out of the ordinary.

So when you were heading towards the sandbox, and Monty rolled over to you, looking worried, you suddenly became very very nervous.

"Where are you going?"

"The sandbox.......?"

You said evenly, trying not to let your voice waver.


He said shortly.

"I left something there."

You lied. You weren't sure why you lied to Monty, but you felt like he would object to you going to meet a creepy boy you didn't know.

You weren't sure why you were doing it, but you wanted to hear him out.

Something about Monty's expression told you that he didn't believe you at all.

He sighed heavily.

"Listen. Whatever you're about to do, just-be careful. Ok?"

You were starting to get irritated.

"Yeah, ok."

You smiled at him quickly, and continued walking in the direction of the sandbox, but you could still feel his eyes on you until you turned the corner.

Kid was lurking at the sandbox, kicking the sand around what looked like a big hole.

You stood near him for a while, and he didn't seem to notice you.


You said gently.

You looked over at you.




"Why am I here?"

"Because you chose to come."

"Why did you give me a note that said to come here?"

He sighed aggrievedly.

"Listen, if all you're going to do is sigh and make stupid comments, I'll just leave."

He sighed again.

You turned to leave, but with surprising speed, he darted forwards, and grabbed your wrist.



"Could you let go?"




"I need to talk to you."


You said jokingly, and he cracked a smile, which made it almost okay that he still had a death grip on your arm.

Suddenly, he stopped smiling, and glared at you.

"What are you doing?"

You gave him a confused look.

"What do you mean?"

His glare deepened.

"To me, to Monty, to everybody! What. Are. You. Doing?"

He lashed.

"Huh? What do you mea-"


He screamed.

"Since you came, they day stopped repeating! So if I fail people will die! I can't restart anymore! So I'll ask you again, WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING?"

You were at a loss for words.

Stopped repeating? People are going to die? 



You were thrown out of your thoughts as Kid's nails began digging into the flesh of your arm.

"Hey! Ow! I don't know what's happening!"

By now, Kid had angry tears spilling down his face, which was blotchy and red.

Any anger you'd had against him melted away as you saw his face.

It reminded you of your brother's, minutes before he took his last breath.

Your eyes began to mist up, and Kid let go.

You could see his face, darting between anger and concern.

Eventually, the latter won, and he murmured a half-hearted


"It's fine."

You mumbled, brushing away the first droplets that were spilling down your cheeks.

"Can you explain what's happening? All I real got from what you said was about death, which I'd really rather avoid."

You tried to keep the terror out of your voice as you said this.

"You won't understand."

He grumbled.

"But I have to, don't I?"

You looked at him, meeting his eyes full of distrust with your own, with as much fire as you could fill them with.

He met your eyes, and sighed.

"You will help me, unless you want Ted and Penny and Ozzy and Lily and Billy to DIE."

(This was a little dark. Sorry it took me sooooo long!)

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