The Return Of Waffle

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(TBH this chapter will explain why I left out many things like logic in the last few chapters. I hope it's ok. P.S. Happy holidays y'all!)

Sort of third person POV

The next morning you awoke to a clipped and mildly horrified  voice.

"What do you mean  it's hers?"

" Master Huxley, I wish to say that Ms (L/N) may have knowledge of where the beast originated and how it entered Huxley Manor."

"Bring her down here NOW."

"Yes, Master Huxley."

You curled up under your blankets in a feeble attempt to act like you were sleeping. Moments later in came a different maid then the night before, but with the same uniform as Chloe.

"The master requires your presence on the lower floor."

And without further information, she pulled you out of bed, and rushed you down the stairs out into the grand entrance hall. You were greeted by who you assumed was Mr Huxley, with a steely  expression, and both Huxley twins behind him, looking equally sheepish, and Mrs Huxley, who seemed to be trying to make a warm and relaxing smile, but came out more like a small grimace.

 "Ms (L/N), would you care to explain that beast?"

 He gestured at Waffle, who was surrounded by guards, and gave you a sheepish look.

 "..... The dog?"

 " That odious creature, yes. "

 "Uh, I know the dog, but-"

"I KNEW IT!!!!"

Mr Huxley cried.


"I didn't bring it in here!"

You said defensively.

He laughed a humorless laugh.

"So, you would have us believe, that that... dog... as you call it, broke in of it's own accord?"

"I guess so, yeah."


"Fine, then!"

You fumed.

"I'll just take Waffle, and leave!"

You stomped over to Waffle, and led him out the door. You hadn't brought anything, because you hadn't been prepared. So you stomped out the front door, and off down the street.

Waffle moseyed down the street, acting a little bit too self satisfied for it to have been a coincidence that he was there.

"I'm guessing that Waffle wasn't supposed to go inside?"

You turned and saw Monty, who kept about a meter away from you, probably for fear you would yell at him.

"You  let him in there?"


He asked, looking unsure what you wanted to hear.

And then you started giggling. It started more as a chuckle, and then rose until you were laughing so hard your stomach hurt.

Monty smiled at you nervously.

"I'm not mad at you! That was hilarious! Mr Huxley was all 'What the heck is this dog doing here?' and then I was all 'No idea!' and then he was like 'YOU LIEEEEE!' and then I was like 'Fine, then I'll take my dog and leave!'. The look on his face was soooooooooooo worth whatever happens with the twins!"

Unless my mom loses her job.....

Was it bad enough for that?

Was that really worth it?

Monty looked happier now that he knew you weren't going to yell at him.

"That's me! Super funny! And very charming!"

You giggled.

"My knight in shining armor!"

You joked, fake fainting.



"Shall I accompany you home, Lady (Y/N)?"

"I'd be grateful for the companionship Sir Monty!"

It wasn't even that long a walk home, but having Monty there made it a lot more enjoyable.

(Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I was on vacation, with NO WI-FI. Hope you enjoyed it!)

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