First Day Fracas

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(I forgot to mention this. Y'all are 11/in 6th grade. Also, slight trigger warning: mention of blood, and fighting.

Edit: I ended up aging up the characters a lil bit because some of the stuff that happens later sounds better with older characters, so you guys are now in 9th grade/14)

Your POV

As you stood at the entrance to your new school, you discovered a terrible truth.

Your mother lied.

It was a sad truth that most children realize eventually.

"It's fine (Y/N)! You'll make friends as soon as you walk in the door! I'm sure you're not the only new kid! Talk to someone who seems lonely, and BAM! New best friend!"

Your mother was like that. She assumed that everyone was as good and kind as she was, and tried to convince her daughter of it too.

But you knew better.

"I don't want to go to this stupid school! I had friends at my old school! Friends it took me years to make! I don't want any of your excuses about 'new faces' and all that junk! I know why your forcing me to go here! I'm not stupid!"

Your mother didn't like your friends. With the exception of sweet-faced, shy Ella, she thought of them as bad influences. 

They weren't!




Maybe just a little bit.

Theresa got into fights all the time, and her nose was constantly broken from them. There was Mauve, who gossiped and pranked, Astrid and Freya, the twins, were known for bullying, and then there was Ella.

Ella and you had been the exceptions in the group.

Until Damien.

Damien had pretended to be their friend to discover their secrets, before revealing them to the entire school. At the ripe age of thirteen, no less.

That was when you had stopped being protected by your friends, and started protecting them.

There had been a terrible fight.



Teachers pulling you off of his bloody and bruised body.

Sitting in the principal's office, your mother at your side.

Lying on your bed, waiting.

Wanting to know how much you'd screwed up.

Too late now. I might as well try to talk to someone.

You walk up to a larger boy with a black shirt, and yellow belt.


You said, trying to sound peppy, and not as if you wanted to punch something, (or someone).

"What do you want  nuke?"

He hadn't seemed to make the same effort you did to keep things civil.

Instead of pointing that out, you simply asked


"New kid."

"I'm (Y/N)."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?"

He frowned at you.

"Your a retolical question!"

"It's rhetorical, genius."

You say, before realizing what you'd just done.

The boy curled up his fist.

"You wanna say that to my face?"

I'm already in a crap mood. If this punk wants a fight I won't keep him from it.

"I'm pretty sure I just did."

The crowd that had gathered gasped.

"He's gonna kill her!"

"She's got guts."

"Wow. If she survives this, I'd like an autograph."

"Another stupid new kid. Figures."

"Am I supposed to stop this?"

The boy threw a punch at your face, which you easily blocked, before throwing one of your own, hitting him square in the jaw.

He fell backwards, clearly dazed.


"I wish common sense was common. That might prevent me from creaming punks like you. I beat  you. Do you know what beat means?"


"It's what I'm about to do to you!"

He shouted back.


"Hey! Hey! Excuse me! No! It's done now! Disperse!"

You turned to see a short, black-haired boy fighting his way through the crowd towards you. He was wearing a blue jacket, black pants, and a yellow 'Hall Monitor' sash. He looked at you, and then an odd look came across his face.

"Ummmm... hI? Um fighting is.. uh.. against scHool rUleS? Could yOu.. Umm... sToP? PlEaSe?"

You were confused. Was this kid always a stuttering, blushing mess? You felt kind of bad.

For him, not the creep you punched.

"Oh. Ok. Sorry."

You said, trying not to sound like a crazy lady who punched people.

"Um... oK... I'll gO tHEn.... bYe!"

He said queerly, before running off.

You sigh.

First day and you already have a reputation as a troublemaker.

"Hey. I'm Carla. That was pretty cool what you did back there."

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt