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(Hi! Before I start the chapter, I'd like to give a big shoutout to @EmmyTheGachaFreak who made some really amazing Gacha characters of Theresa, Mauve, Astrid, Freya, Ella, Damien, and Emma. If you'd like to go see those, go to . She is really talented, and also writes for Kindergarten! Thanks again for the amazing designs. I think you really have character design and fanfiction writing talent!)

Damien's POV (oooooooo)

He didn't trust them. 

Not Theresa and her idiots.

Not Kid, who had tackled you, because what the fuck, what kind of a name is Kid, and who the hell tackles people as a hobby.

Not your new friends, who seemed even more attached to you than the last ones.

Not the girl who they called Emma who had set the microwave on fire by accident.

And, (he tried to tell himself) not you.

In all fairness, she probably doesn't trust me either.

He thought bitterly.

He so badly wanted you to, but he knew he hadn't earned that. He'd earned every suspicious look, every dead eyed glare, because he'd hurt you. He was pretty sure he'd hurt you, at least.

And you're going to hurt her again.

A part of him whispered, but he shoved that thought deep, deep down, where he wouldn't have t hear it. He knew it was true, but he was going to enjoy being near you again for as long as it lasted.

There was a part of him that wanted to fall back into the rhythm of being your friend, of being somebody you could trust, and tell anything. 

But he could tell that wasn't happening any time soon.

His eyes drifted over to you, and he realized you were looking at him too. He forced himself not to blush, and looked away. You were still holding the knife. He risked another glance.

You were talking to the girl he thought you called Cara, or Carla, or Carrot or someone, who was blabbering about something, not seeming to notice you weren't quite paying attention. Your eyes were glazed over, and you looked like your mind was somewhere far, far away, with no hope of reaching it until it decided to come back on it's own.

Suddenly, your mind seemed to snap back in place, and you noticed him staring. You smiled tightly, and looked back at Carrot. 

He wasn't dumb. He knew what you were trying to do. 

It's not gonna work (N/N).

I'm sorry.

I need this.

Your POV (briefly)

You really needed him to stop staring at you. It was giving you weird vibes that you couldn't quite place the origin of. You were going to wait out Carla's rambling about why she should go with you to find your friends (it wasn't exactly finding. You were almost sure you knew where they were), and then you were going to probe. He needed to feel like he could trust you, and then he could ask for something reasonable, and not screw you over.

"So yeah. Alright?"

Carla finished. You said something along the lines of 'mhm, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah', and scooted over to Damien

Damien's POV

Holy shit oh my god she's coming over here what do I do I'm so sorry I'm scum of the earth I don't want to do this but I have to do this but now oh fuck oh god help I'm gonna have to have a conversation nononononononononononononononononononono-

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