Choice A) (Kid Ending)

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(Sorry it took so long to get this chapter done! I couldn't find the motivation to write for a hot minute, but I do still somewhat like this chapter. Hope you enjoy) 

Your POV

"So, what now?"

Kid asked. 

You collapsed onto the charred grass around the Huxley property. Kid sat down next you.


You said.

"You can start by telling me what you had started saying before we got...."

You turned to look at Mr Huxley, who was trying to drag himself away with very little success.


Kid flushed. 


He stuttered. You laughed.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

You said, although in reality, you did really want to know.

"No, it's not that, it's just-"

He sighed.

"It sounds kind of dumb."

"Dude, I was just trapped in some rich guy's basement. A rich guy who makes monsters, apparently."

You said.

"Nothing sounds dumb to me right now."

Kid laughed nervously.

"Yeah, well, that's kind of the thing. I'm not sure now's the right time to tell you."

"Now's as good a time as ever."

Kid sucked in a breath.

"Do you remember when we went to that frozen yogurt place?"

He said. You nodded. 

"That was really fun."

You said. 

"Yeah, but that isn't the point."

He began pulling up small chunks of grass from the lawn.

"And you do remember that sleepover we'd had?"

You nodded.

"Kid, all of this stuff happened less than a month ago."

"I know, I know, I'm not done. But anyways, I, um...."

He looked over at you quickly, and then looked away.

"I didn't want you to invite anybody else over, you probably remember that. And at the time I'd thought it was because I just didn't like people, but I think it wasn't just that."

Now you were really intrigued. You had a vague idea what he was about to say, and you smiled to yourself.

"I think it was also because, um.."

Kid went on, trailing off. 


You prompted. He inhaled quickly, before blurting

"Because I wanted to be able to be with just you."

He was going red.

"A-and, I was worried that if other people were there, you'd realize that they were better than me, and then you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, and I just wanted y-you to like me, and I didn't want to be shown up by Ted, and I just-"

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