All The Time In The World

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(This one may be a little on the shorter side, but it's because I'm gonna have three branching off chapters from this/two endings and a continue the story, so I'm going to need to conserve some patience for those, and quick btw, there's going to be some time and POV jumping in this)

Your POV

Now that it was time, like really time, your nerves were starting to mount. This was the only plan you had (unless you wanted to become an arsonist) (you didn't), and now if it didn't work, you could end up dead.

Alright, let's do this.

How does something like this go so wrong? 

You sat in the darkness. You had been one of the first caught.

Please let the rest be safe.

Please let them have made it out okay.

Theresa was pacing in the cell across the hall, and your mother was nowhere to be found. 

Thus far, it was just you, Theresa, and Astrid-

"fffffffUCKING HELL."

Oh, and there's Maeve. Well, Freya and Ella were still out there, and if all went well the rest of your friends would be safe. And by 'going well' you meant a miracle.

If they listened to me.

Which, knowing your friends, was unlikely.

You flopped down on your cot.

How did I mess this up so badly?

Time to go.

You looked around at your friends, hoping to god it wouldn't be for the last time.

In the books you read, this was traditionally the time when the heroine made a brave and stirring speech, one that rallied her troupes, and lead them into battle with certainty.

You cleared your throat loudly to gather the attention of your companions to the rallying speech you were about to make, before you realized you didn't have one on hand. But, your friends were now all staring at you, so you better think of one quick.

"Soooooooooo, I guess it's time to do this."

You started uneasily. 

"And, uh, I want you guys to know before we do this, I, uh, really care about all of you, so, um, please don't die, because that would make me really fucking sad, so yeah."

"Hear hear."

Somebody muttered. You swallowed.

"Uhm, so, we're gonna do this, and we're gonna do it really well, and, uh, then everything is gonna be great again, and we can do another sleepover thing."

"I think that's my favorite part of this plan."

Emma said.

"Haha.....ha, uhm, yeah, mine too. Sooooooo, here we go, and, yeah, um, don't die."

Billy flashed you a thumbs up, which made you feel slightly better, but you were a little bit disappointed in your dramatic rousing speechifying skills.

After that interesting speech, the last thing you wanted to do was talk to anybody, but Kid came walking over anyways.


You said uncomfortably.

Kid's POV (We haven't done that in a while)

There was a lot he wanted to say, and not much time to say it. 

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now