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(Hey guys! So, once again we will be starting from Felix's POV, just to continue that whole drama, but it will go back to your POV after that. Also, WARNING: Gore. I mean, I feel like that makes sense considering this is the final mission

Edit: A while ago somebody pointed out to me that I spelled vamonos wrong. It did take me a while to get around to fixing that, but I did get to it)

Felix's POV

He didn't know what he was supposed to do. 

Loyalty to his family meant holding (Y/N)'s mother hostage, but loyalty to (Y/N) meant confessing what he'd done, and revealing what his father had done.

And Theodore was gone.

He couldn't help thinking about all the moments he'd hurt him, leading up to the final betrayal. 

Theodore betrayed me first.

He thought angrily. What Theodore had done was unforgivable. He wasn't cut out for business. He wasn't cut out to co-run Applesoft. He had to die. Felix had done the right thing.

And, well, even if he hadn't, it was too late now. Ted was long since dead. And he couldn't fix what he'd done.

Before, he hadn't been worried. It was business. One death could be forgotten under the terms of success. The ends justified the means......

That's what he'd thought. But now, scanning his younger, less impressive, less popular brother's room, he wanted to cry.

He'd killed someone.

He was 14! 

And it wasn't just anybody he'd killed.

It was his twin brother.

He wouldn't give up (Y/N), but really......

Ted should've been sitting there with him. He would've been shifting his weight from side to side, as if he wanted to go climb a tree, or play tag, but knew he wasn't allowed. He would've been telling Felix what a good job he was doing, that no matter what, he was right.....

But this time he wasn't.

There was nothing business about killing a sibling. Blackmail, bribery, cheating......those were justifiable as business. But murder? And such a painful, lengthy death Ted had been condemned to. 

And the spiders. The spiders for Ted. The spiders specially chosen to join Ted in his grave.

Ted's spiders.

The spiders had been an unnecessary cruelty. A final blow.

But now here he was. He realized his hands were shaking, holding a picture Ted had framed. 

In the picture, there was him and Ted. Felix's face had been blank, nearly a sneer, but Ted had been smiling so widely. So happy to be this near to Felix, when usually Felix restricted his brother to a personal bubble of at least a foot and a half. He remembered protesting the lack of space, but his mother had said "You two need to act like brothers, not awkward acquaintances." After a great deal of argument, Felix had vetoed the hug, but agreed to stand close enough to Ted for a picture.

 He still has it.

Felix remembered discarding of his copy as quickly as he could. He had assumed Ted would do the same, but seeing that he'd kept it made his heart ache.

Of course he kept it.

"Sentimental idiot."

Felix mumbled, voice cracking on the word 'idiot'.

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