Choice A) (Lily Ending)

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(Henlo friends! I don't know how, but I've gotten really invested in characters that I didn't care as much about before, so now I'm obsessed with all of them. Yaaaay.)

Your POV

"Uh, I think I'll help Lily."

You said, dropping to you knees next to Lily. Kid looked a little disappointed, but he didn't argue. 

"Maybe you could work with Penny? I mean, she does know this building better than any of us."

You hedged. Kid glared at you.

"Lives are at stake Kid, will you please get over whatever problem you have with her."

You snapped.

"I still do not know why you hate me so much."

Penny quipped. Kid seemed to be wrestling with an explanation.

"Oh, just tell her."

You moaned. 

"You killed me."

Kid snapped. Penny blinked.

"But-I did not kill you! You are right here! H-how could I have killed you?"

She said frantically, as if trying to convince herself.

"Time loop."

You mumbled.


Penny said. She looked visibly confused, but considering there was a time loop involved, you understood confusion.

"There was a time loop. You killed me. Again, and again. Me, Carla, Buggs...... so many people that you killed."

Kid spat. Penny looked horrified. She turned to you, seeming to hope you'd deny it, but you couldn't look at her.

"I just-I do not-I-"

Penny sputtered, but Kid interrupted her.

"Yeah, yeah, you're a changed person and it wasn't your fault and all that crap. I don't care. I don't care, godamnit! You killed people, whether or not  you wanted to! You almost killed Monty! I just..... I can't forgive that!"

Kid snapped. Penny looked on the verge of tears again.

"I understand."

Penny whispered.

You turned to look at Lily, who was looking intently at you.


You asked.

Do I have something on my face?


Lily mumbled, looking away.

"Alright, let's figure out what we're gonna do to help Billy. Um, maybe we could wrap his hoodie around his head to clot the blood?"

You said, half hoping that she would confirm that this was so smart, and that it would totally work, but she just sighed.

"We don't have a better option."

She mumbled. You nodded, and peeled the hoodie off of Billy. It was thoroughly bloodied, and was sticking to his body. 

Oh gosh, please let this help.

You folded the hoodie in half, and wrapped it around his head, tying it tightly to make a pathetic excuse for a tourniquet.

"He'll be fine."

You repeated, your voice shaking slightly more than the previous time.

"I hope so."

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