Saved By Business Man Satan

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( My sleep schedule has died. It is completely my fault, because some stupid thing inside me makes me wake up and publish more chapters. So sorry for any spelling mistakes, as I started this chapter at 10:07 pm.)

Kid's POV

My fault, my fault, my fault....

His mind sang. He was falling apart. He'd gotten to your house, panting from the break necked pace he had maintained since escaping his home.

I'm and idiot. I should have carried Emma, and let (Y/N) lead the way....

Instead I left the two people I care the most about behind.

When he had burst in, (Y/N)'S mother had made him lemonade, and not questioned what had happened, or who he was running from. She'd just given him lemonade, and left him on the couch.

He berated himself for 25 minutes before (Y/N) and Emma opened the door. He threw himself at them, before stopping himself, and realizing something. Emma now had crutches, and a limousine was driving away outside.

"What the hell-?" He asked, but you just smiled.

Your POV (Flashback)

As you ran down the road, Paul not far behind, you hoped to see someone- anyone who could save you from the violent dismemberment you were about to experience. 

Emma was crying silently on your shoulder, and you wished you could comfort her, but right now all your energy had to be focused on running, or else you would collapse.

"When I get my hands on you-!" 

Paul shouted at you, right as he crossed an intersection. Emma passed out.

But you never got to hear what he was going to do, because just then, he was hit by a car.

A black car, to be specific.

A black limousine to be even more specific.

A black limousine in which you'd rode before.

Perfect timing, Huxley.

All you could see from the safe distance you'd placed yourself at from Paul, was him arguing with the man driving the limousine, and two boys getting out of said limousine.


The blue twin called. He seemed legitimately surprised.

Okay, so was he stalking me, or did he save me? Or was he stalking me at the right time?

"Are you okay?"

Ted asked.

Of course he'd be the one to ask that.

No, no. Personal feelings aside. Emma needs help.

"Mhm, yup. I'm fine. Was just chased around town by an old dude. Pretty routine. But Emma needs help, and I'm going to freaking drop her, so could I get some help?"

You rushed. Felix winced at the sarcasm in your voice, but he assisted you with Emma.

By which you mean he told Ted to help you.

Ted carried to Emma to the car, struggling slightly under her weight. You felt guilty about not helping him carry her, but you were extremely tired.

So tired in fact, that you let Felix lead you to the limousine, and rested your head on his shoulder. He stiffened, but didn't move.

Oh, this is so awkward. I don't even like this kid, he really hate him. 


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