The Texts Between (Y/N) And Kid

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(I gave up on that other text format, because it takes too long. Srry. Also, this will be short, but as soon as it's finished, I'll start working on the next chapter)

Kid: Hi (Y/N)

(Y/N): 'ello

Kid: We weren't talking about u @ the Froyo place.

(Y/N): Suuuuuuuuuuure.

Kid: I swear!

(Y/N): Pinky promise?

Kid: Seriously?

Kid: Hello?

Kid: (Y/N)?


Kid: Fine. Pinky promkse.

(Y/N): Promkse? lololololol


(Y/N): Ok, but then what where you saying that I shouldn't hear?

Kid: Monty said 'I told you not to harass her' and I said 'I didn't' and then u gave us a weird look, and we stopped.

(Y/N): Hmmmm. I shall trust u.

Kid: Thank u, UR MAJESTY!

(Y/N): *queen waves*

Kid: So ur the queen now.

(Y/N): You hadn't already noticed?

Kid: Lol.

(Y/N): btw, can u explain the whole 'time loop' thing now?

Kid: I'd like to, but tbh I think my friends can explain it better then me.

(Y/N): Urm, ok, but didn't u harass me @ the sandbox alone.

Kid: Shit u and ur logic. 

(Y/N): Can I meet ur friends 2moro

Kid: Ya. Do u kno Nugget, Lily or Billy?

(Y/N): Hm, I kno Nugget. He good at dodgeball, and is super smol, but I don't know Lily or Billy.

Kid: Well u'll meet them 2moro.

(Y/N): Mom calling me. C u 2moro?

Kid: C u 2moro.

(Y/N) has left the chat.

Kid's POV

He turned off his phone and sighed.

It's nice to be able to have a tomorrow.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum