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( Thanks to @StillChill_Flamingo for commenting, and because their comment mentioned being excited about Nugget, I've decided that Nugget gets a chapter named after him! And he will be an important part of this chapter.)

Your POV

When you came into school the next day, Kid was waiting for you, with the unmistakably derpy face of Nugget.

You saw Kid elbow Nugget, and Nugget gave you a weird, cracked smile.

"The pretty (Y/N) has arrived!"

Nugget declared.

You stifled a giggle. He was just so cute.

"Hi Nugget, Hey Kid."

Kid opened his mouth to respond, but just then, someone threw their arms around you. You could tell from their plastic-y feel that it was Penny.

"(Y/N)! You are on time!"

"Crazy, right?"

You joked.

Penny laughed. You noticed that although Nugget did not seem to register Penny's presence, Kid was giving her a distrustful look, and he had backed up a little bit from her.

"Yes! First you miss a week of school, and then you come to school very late! You seem to need a watch."

Penny giggled.

Her laugh was odd like her voice, but you were adjusting to it.

Penny noticed her mother waving from the platform in front of the door, and gave you a disappointed look.

"My mother wanted to talk to me. I will see you later?"

You smiled at her gratefully, as you hadn't known how you would have been able to have a private conversation with Kid and Nugget with her there.

"Yeah. See you later."

Penny skipped to her mother, who ushered her inside.

Kid gave you a look of disgust.

"Why do you even hang out with that?"

He snarled.

Your eyebrows were suddenly activated, and you glared at him.

"Her, not that. And I spend time with her because I appreciate her company."

You snapped.


He mumbled.

"Let's get going before school starts. Wouldn't want to disappoint Penny."

You followed him towards a sewer grate, and Nugget immediately began rambling to you about the severe lack of Nuggets on the school menu, saying something about how Nugget Day was only once a week, whereas according to him, 'Nugget Day is everyday!'.

Once they got there, Kid pulled a screwdriver out of his pocket (that you decided not to question the origins of), and unscrewed the grail.

He slipped in, and then Nugget went, and you decided to follow them against your instincts.

As soon as you dropped in, two people in hoodies who looked about your age pinned you to the ground.

"Woah. Lils, I think this is (Y/N)."

"I am!"

You squeaked, your lungs squished by the two on top of you.

"Yeah, she is."

Kid said resignedly. 

"Hm. She seems like how Kid described her. Crazy pretty, with (h/l) (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes."

The one in the brown sweater mused.

"I can't see her eyes. Stop sitting on her, Billy."

The one in the navy hoodie said.

Billy got off of you, and you peeled yourself off the ground.


You puffed, out of breath.

You heaved a few breaths, before the irritation set in.

"Why did you attack me?"

You squawked.

The one in the navy hoodie (a girl, you realized) chuckled.

"We didn't know if you were supposed to be here."

She explained.

"We're only used to Kid and Nugget as visitors."

Billy explained.

"I'm Lily, by the way. Kid talks about you. A lot."

The girl-Lily- said.


Billy laughed.

"He came down here this morning, not telling us that you were coming, but telling us that when we met you we had to be nice and normal and not harass you. Oh and he rambled about how awesome you are."

Kid was a deep shade of fuchsia.

"Did not!"

He cried.

"Did too!"

Lily giggled.

"And then I asked you if you two were dating, and you started sputtering."

"Nugget is happy that the Pretty Lily and the Pretty (Y/N) are friends!"

Nugget said happily. 

His voice is so funny.

And then the words about Kid sunk in.

Crazy pretty? He lectured them about being nice to me?


You felt like you where having that 'what?' thought a lot lately.

"This is awkward."

Kid mumbled.

You smiled at him, trying not to let the confusion show on your face.

"It's fine!"

You said, sounding a little weirdly chipper.


Billy teased.

And then you blushed tomato red.

Nugget came up beside you, and hugged you.

"Is the Pretty (Y/N) okay?"

"Yeah Nugget. M'okay."

You said in a strangled and unconvincing voice.

Nugget didn't seem to buy it, and kept hugging you.

"Nugget knows where to find nuggets! Would the Pretty (Y/N) feel better with some of Nugget's nuggets?"

"Um, maybe later. But Kid said you guys were going to explain the whole 'it's not repeating' and 'people can actually die now' thing to me."

Lily drew a sharp intake of breath.

And then they explained everything to you.

(Yeah, I did that bc I didn't know how I would write the explaining part. Srry. Also, I should have another chapter out for today or tomorrow after this.)

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ