Choice B) (Continue The Story) Cain's Not Able pt 2.

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(It has come to my attention that a lot of people are waiting for the hall monitors. I have decided to make an extra effort to make them more important, because I really love them, and now I'm figuring out how I can add them to my previous plan Don't worry, they'll be here)

Your POV

"You don't have to be jealous, Monty. You'll always be my friend, no matter what else happens."

Monty smiled.


"But I am her best friend."

Penny interjected.

You bit your lip to avoid laughing.  

"But Nugget is the Pretty (Y/N)'s best best friend."

Nugget huffed.

Your eyes began to water from the pain of biting your lip so hard.

Monty frowned.

"You guys barely even talk to each other."

He pointed out (A problem that will soon be remedied).

And with that, another squabble begun, this one thankfully not involving violence, but still extremely loud. You looked around, and the only people you could see not fighting were Ted, that pink girl, Buggs, and Stevie, who was guarding a door. 

You weighed your options. Ted was your friend, but you were still kinda mad at him for ignoring you, so you didn't want to give up your pride on that just yet. 

The pink girl might let you sit with her, because you'd saved her from Waffle, (who she didn't really need to be saved from, but whatever) but she'd also not thanked you, and asked if you had rabies, which was rude. 

There was Buggs, but he was no way going to let you sit with him after you punched him in the face. You didn't know him very well, but that seemed evident. 

That left Stevie. The one time you'd talked to him, he'd been scolding you about fighting, but in a really stutter-y weird way. You didn't want to seem like one of those lonely kids, so you decided that Stevie was the best option.

You got up, thankfully unnoticed by the squabblers or the violent wrestling people on the floor. You made a beeline towards Stevie, who didn't seem to notice you until you were right in front of him. At which point he looked like he wanted to melt into the floor.


He squeaked.

You resisted the urge to laugh.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N), not sure if you remember me."

You said in as cheery a voice as you could.

Stevie seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Uh-yup-yeah um-I re-remember you."

He stuttered. 

Oh no, is he scared of me?

"I'm not a crazy person!"

You blurted, before realizing that is exactly what a crazy person would say. He laughed awkwardly.

"I d-don't think you're crazy."

He said in a voice that made you think that he only half meant that.

"Oh, phew. I thought that you thought that I was some crazy person that randomly attacks people."

You laughed. He smiled a little.

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