Penny, The Smol Bean (With Maybe Laser Eyes)

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(Hey y'all! I might be impartial, but I think that Penny and Monty are the best characters in the game, and Penny has the best character development. And and the most smol is Ted. This was really random. I am very sorry.)

Your POV

Looking into Penny's cyan blue eyes, (that were for sure not lasers) you realized how screwed you were.

Is Carla worth it? Now I'm going to be the new kid who punches people and the new kid who talks to weirdos! You still sure about me making friends here, Mom?

"Hello! My name is Penny! It is a pleasure to meet you!"

She said, her eyes reflecting..... emptiness. She stuck out a hand for you to shake, which you took cautiously. 

"I think you are new! You are new, right? I am right, aren't I?"

Her voice was high, and thin, as if being played out of a recorder. Fake sounding emotion.

Maybe she is an android. If technology has even advanced that much.

"Yeah. I'm.... new."

Penny beamed.

"I like new children! My mommy- crick - mother- likes them too! I am sure she would love to meet you!"

Your heart thumped faster. After she said 'mommy', her voice crackled, sounding like tin foil. Before you were forced to respond, the bell rung, and everyone seemed to congregate towards the main doors. Penny grabbed you by the wrist, in a loose, but strong grip, and half dragged you towards the main building.

Creepy, but not exactly evil.

"What class are you in, (Y/N)?"

Penny asked.

"Somewhere with a Dr Danner."

You say. You had taken a placement test, and all you'd been told was that your home room teacher was named Dr Danner.

"Oh! That is fantastic! That is my class!"

More time with Penny.


As you walked down the hall with Penny, you heard snippets of conversation.

"...Look, weirdo has a friend...."

".....looks like a...."

" girl looks...."

Penny smiled and waved at everyone she passed.

"I think they are planning me a surprise party! Whenever I walk by they whisper and point. It is my birthday soon."

Penny said fondly, completely unaware that the whole school was whispering behind her back.

No wonder she's odd. No one ever gave her a chance to be anything else.

Penny dragged you through hallway after hallway, before pulling you in a door, to a room that looked like a lab.

"Right on time Penny. And this must be (Y/N)."

A tall man in a lab coat stood in front of you, with enough forehead to paint the Mona Lisa on.


You said stiffly, with an immediate dislike towards him.

Penny sat down at an empty table, and you moved to do the same, but before you could-

"Is there a reason that you come to school a week late? Is there something you find more important than your education?"


"Then would you like to tell us where you were the past week?"

"Not really."

"I'm afraid that is not an option."

You glared at him.

"You asked a yes-or-no question. I said no. That is an option."

You heard someone snort. 

Dr Danner laughed humorlessly.

"Well look at this, everyone. A slack-off with an attitude."

You felt red spots appear on your cheeks.

"I am not a slack-off!"

You snapped.



You screamed.

You breath heavily, as Dr Danner looks away from you and adjusts his glasses.

No one said a word.

"Now may. I. Sit. Down."

Before waiting for a response you plunk down in your seat.

"I am so sorry. That must be awful."

Penny said softly.

You try to smile at her, to assure her your fine, but you can't smile. All you can do is bite your lip and try not to cry. 

I can't do this without you, Nathan.

I can't do this without you, Dad.

Penny wrapped her cold arms around you.

"It is okay. We will be okay."

Dr Danner cleared his throat.

"Einstein was building ray guns by the sixth grade, as should you. As well, the school would like you to take the mandatory test, and after you complete it, you get to pick a prize, because apparently we have to give out prizes now."

In the corner, a red-haired boy in a wheelchair was looking at you, and quickly averted his eyes when you looked over at him. He seemed to be working on some big gun, of sorts.

Ray gun.

The class was relatively small, so you assumed that it was the gifted program. Gifted because there were crazy smart people like that kid running-or wheeling-around.

Since I'm not as smart as any of these people, I might as well take the test.

It was as you got up that a tall blond in a blue shirt with a red tie stepped in front of you.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt