If You Ever Need To Talk

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(Btw, I might be changing the age from 11/6th grade to 12 or 13/7th or 8th grade, just because I feel like the romance might flow better if they're a little older. Also. Soooooo sorry, because dude it's been forever since I posted a new chapter)

Your POV

Breakfast came in waves.

The first few of you to wake up ate first, around what turned out to be about 7:00 am, and 10 or 15 minutes later, a couple more people woke up, and eventually migrated towards the kitchen.

By the time everyone had eaten, one thing was evident. 

There was no more food.

You had to find your other friends today, because there wouldn't be food for tomorrow.

11:08 am.

It seemed like 3:00 pm couldn't come fast enough. You wanted to do something. To know whether or not your plan would work, and whether you'd make it out of this.

It was a crazy thought, that you might not exist tomorrow. That this might be the last morning you spent on earth.

You looked over at Damien, and realized he was already watching you. 


There was a look of supreme fear on his face. Fear, and maybe a trace or sorrow. Guilt?

You marched over to him, and plopped down next to him.

"So. What did you do?"

You asked. He flinched.


"You look mega extremely guilty. What's up?"

Damien's POV

You seemed to being staring straight into his soul.

Oh good god she knows the dream is over she's gonna stab me oh no oh no oh no-

But that wasn't what he said.


He choked out. Your eyebrows raised.

"That isn't an answer."

Okay okay okay focus focus please good lord excuse excuse excuse uhhhhhhh okay ummmm what do I say now how do people talk to girls this is fucking impossible

"I....guess...it's becauseeeeee...."

He tried. Your eyebrows just continued their voyage up your face.

"I never apologized. For being a total dick."

He blurted. You looked less suspicious, but still extremely surprised.

"Oh. Wait, really?"

He nodded frantically. 

"Yes. Yeah. Uh, I was a total dick. Very sorry."

You continued to look confused.

"But... why did you in the first place? Did I do something wrong, or.....?"

Well now he felt like a piece of shit.

It wasn't your fault. It was me being an idiot. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is all my fault.

"No! No, it was me being a stupid idiot and I-just-I.......I'm really, really sorry."

He said frantically.

You know, if you were really sorry, you wouldn't be doing this to her all over again.

"But why?"

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now