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(The wording in this is going to be less then perfect, but it's what I have right now.)

Your POV

Felix pulled you onto a seat next to him, and was glaring around you, at something you couldn't see. Whenever you turned around you saw nothing. So, when Felix started glaring again, you watched form the corner of your eye. Monty, with a black eye, was sitting at a table near you, by himself, mouthing something not PG rated at Felix. Felix made an obscene gesture at him. You coughed lightly to alert them that you were present, and not blind, and both boys blushed, and looked away. 

Did Felix do that to Monty? That's awful!


Isn't that like what I did to Buggs?


What I did to Buggs was necessary.

But I did pick a fight with him.

I should probably apologize.


As if that's going to happen.

Monty's POV

As he looked at (Y/N) from the corner of his eyes, he felt rage bubbling up inside of him. How could fantastic people like her not see through arrogant idiots like  Felix? Who would prefer Felix over him?

(Y/N) apparently.

She was like a mouse who couldn't tell the trap from the cheese. The bruise on his eye throbbed.  Why didn't Danner do anything? Where did (Y/N) go when this was happening? Questions floated through his head, and the more he thought about them, the more angry he became.

Rich boy is going to pay.

Monty thought angrily.

She likes me better! Me!

Monty tried to distract himself from Felix talking to (Y/N), by looking around at the cafeteria. Cindy was eating some kind of biscuit, (hope that one isn't your dog) and Penny looking wistfully at (Y/N), (join the club) and Carla, Kid, and Jerome talking to Buggs, and giving him something that resembled burgers.

What the-


Buggs yelled at Nugget, the cross eyed blonde boy.

"Nugget does not wish to-"


A slimey burger hit Nugget.

(And this is where the exact wording gets a little spotty)

"Nugget does not like burgers!"

Nugget cried.

"Hey fatso! You almost hit me with that burger!"

Ozzy snarled.

"Oh! My mistake. I'll make sure to hit you this time!"

Buggs laughed. And with that, he threw another burger which hit Ozzy in the head.

"Oof! Hey! That was rude! C'mon, weird kid, lets give him a taste of his own medicine!"

"Nugget never thought of fighting back. Nugget usually poisons his enemies. Nugget supposes Nugget could make an exception."

And like that, the food war was started. 

And of course, Monty could not help but notice Kid and Jerome sneaking out, and Felix protecting (Y/N) from flying food. Felix was also being protected by Ted, however, and therefore mildly underlying the effect. 

The lunch lady was screaming, the janitor was twirling his mop like a baton, and the hall monitors, (or Stevie, at least) were trying to regain order.

 I could stop this in seconds.

I would if (Y/N) asked me to.

I'm the smartest person here.

Everyone knows it.

Except (Y/N).

Monty looked over at (Y/N), who was trying to get out from behind Felix to throw something.

But she will.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now