10k Reads!!!

201 11 3

Okay you guys. I went on a mini vacation, and I get back and check my Wattpad, and WOOSH WA BAM KACHOW 10,000 READS. 

Like seriously though guys, actual tears.

Y'all have seriously made my day.

 I honestly started this fanfiction because I was bored, and did not expect it to go anywhere, nor did I expect to actually end up continuing it. I thought I'd write a couple chapters, probably get bored, and get a few hundred reads if I was lucky, and yet here we are. 

I know that chapters have been time consuming, and for that I am deeply sorry. I was on vacation for the past three days, and I have been trying to figure out why my O key has been occasionally refusing to work, which has eaten up a lot of time. The next chapter should be out in two days, tops, because I only need a little bit more time/energy/motivation to finish it.

Once again, thank you all for 10k reads (and while we're at it, a little over 400 stars too), it's been a boost of motivation. 

See you all soon on the next chapter, and stay safe.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें