Choice B) (Smokey Ending)

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(Sorry if this is a little shorter, but there's only so much I can do for this ending without spoiling future events, and I really wanted to get this published, because the last one took over a weeeeeeeeek)

Your POV

You were pretty sure getting hypothermia would be counter productive, so you pulled yourself up off the floor, and marched up the stairs towrads your room.

Your legs were asleep, which gave the stairs the illusion of giving you a small shock everytime you placed a foot on them.

Planning could wait until you had weather appropriate attire. You began wondering if you had any sweaters left. You'd given your warmest cardigan to Penny after you had to cut her dress, Cindy had taken your favourite sweater, and you weren't sure how much of the fall clothing your mom had unpacked before she was kidnapped by the same idiots trying to take you.

But the question still remained, if such a powerful company wanted you, why didn't they have you yet? It didn't make sense. 

Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

But this wasn't being picky, this was having common sense. Because the group of you were 17 kids, and Applesoft Enterprises was a multimillion dollar company. Really, what chance did yu have against them?

Don't think like that. It's not over until you give up.

Or die.

You sighed. Optimism can only go so far.

But there was another thing you needed to figure out. It was all fine and good to say 'we save my mom and stop the Huxleys' but actually doing that would prove difficult. You had an outside advantage from having two people who lived there their entire lives on your side, but that didn't make up for a severe ineptitude on the side of the rest of you. If a month ago you'd been told that relatively soon, you'd be on the run from a family of billionaires, and hiding out in your home with 16 other kids, and trying to come up with a plan to rescue your mother from said billionaires, you'd have called the harbingers of bad news crazy (from a safe distance, of course, because they were obviously unsafe).

A month ago, you probably would've been doing homework, or watching TV, instead of hoping to god to survive the next 24 hours.

There has to be a reason.

You thought fiercly.

There has to be a reason that fate picked me.

And then you walked into a wall.

You fell over, and realized you had not only ascended the stairs, but had kept walking right into the wall in front of it.

"Alrighty then."

You said to nobody in particular.

You righted yourself, and stumbled over to your bedroom door. 

As you gazed around your room, you felt the intense urge to kick your friends.

It looked next to nothing like it had the last time you had been conscious, and you saw a great deal of things that did not belong to you.

They obviously made themselves comfortable.

You thought, with a mix of amusement and anger.

For people that had come to your home with only the clothes on their backs and the stuff in their backpacks, they sure did take up a room.

You not-so delicately stepped around your friends' clothes, in search of a sweater. 

After a few minutes of searching, it seemed as if your sweaters had all been eaten. They had disappeared from the face of the earth, and now you were standing in your room, being grumpy and freezing.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें