Choice B) (Continue The Story)

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(Okay, the timing for this will be a little sketchy, because again, I haven't played this game in months, so please excuse some weird time details. Also, I have more endings in this general area, so excuse this chapter possibly being short. We are nearing the end of the game, but I know where I'm going with this fanfic after that)

Your POV

Ted would be fine. Fine. You were going to go save the people in immediate danger. You couldn't stop your mind from imagining.

Lily's body, crushed by a pipe.

Billy, bleeding out on the ground from a gash from a sharp piece of metal.

Emma's small form, lying pale on the ground from a gas leakage.

NO. They are going to be FINE. 

You stomped towards the grate, but you felt a cold hand on your shoulder.


Penny asked tensely. Her eyes were dripping what you assumed to be tears, and she looked shaken.

"Where are you going?"

"To save my friends."

You said, hoping that Penny wouldn't try to stop you. Penny let out a choked breath.

"I assumed as much. The-"

She started, but the building shook violently, and a thundering boom could be heard from somewhere in the building-not the sewers at least.

"The elevator under the school has an eye scanner that will take you to the.....deeper levels. I will take you there to confront my mother."

Penny said quickly, as if afraid that if she took anymore time, she wouldn't be able to tell you at all.

'But-but I'm just going to help-"

You stuttered. You were supposed to have another day-you weren't prepared yet-

"That is how we need to help them. It is what we need to help them from, (Y/N). My mother let out her creatures. She knows where they are, and they will be ripped limb from limb."

Penny said, with a worried tone.

You paused, and looked her straight in the eye.


You grabbed the shovel as a weapon, although a sorry excuse for one, and followed the others into the tunnel. You felt Penny's hand clamp around yours, and you understood why. She was fighting her own mother, and it was for you. You were sure you could tell what was going through her head. Is she worth it? I could go back right now, and not be involved in this. Is some girl I've known for a few days worth risking everything for?

When Penny's eyes locked with yours, you knew she was coming, for better or for worse.

"Are you okay?"

You whispered.

"No. No, I have not been okay in a long time, but I think it's time I make things right."

Penny whispered back. 

That was when you heard more screams. 

Coming from the passage right next to you. 


You blurted, passing the shovel to Bob.

He gave you a confused look, but took it, as the seven of you raced down the passage. At the end, you could see flailing limbs, and the screams were getting closer. It was a large room, and in the center of it, three creatures fought Lily, Billy, and Emma. 

The creatures seemed to be some kind of humanoid/crab blend, and were trying to eat your friends.

"Hang on, kids!"

Bob shouted, and charged into battle. Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice the fact that Emma didn't even go to this school. He bashed the one attacking Emma over the head, and she ran to Kid.

"I don't like your school. Too many crazy Emma-eating creatures."

Emma panted. She had a gash on her shoulder, and a bloody nose. Kid wrapped his arms around Emma, and held her close.

"You are never allowed to do anything ever again."

He said sternly.


Emma puffed.

Bob was fighting the other two monsters at once, and Lily and Billy ran to you. 

"She set them free."

Lily whispered.

Penny nodded.

"I can get you into the elevator."

She said, tears still dripping. All of you looked over at the elevator door.

"And how are we supposed to get there?"

Charlie blasted. Getting to the elevator was going to be next to impossible, especially if you had to wait for the eye scanner to recognize Penny. 

And that was when Billy collapsed.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now