Choice B) (Continue The Story)

452 15 17

Your POV

"I wanted to thank you for saving us today. You were really brave."

Nugget smiled at you. 

"Nugget is thankful for the Pretty (Y/N)'s gratitude."

Nugget said cheerily.  You saluted half heartedly, your shoulder twinging in pain at it's usage. 

There were small lights dancing in front of your eyes, and all you really wanted to do was go home and take a nap.

"Let's gooooooooooo."

You slurred. Kid shot forwards. 

"That's too much blood-"

You heard him say, and then then the lights engulfed your vision, before plunging you into darkness. 

When your eyes opened, the first thing you saw was that pink girl, wearing your favourite sweater. When she noticed your eyes were open, she shrieked, and bolted. 

Ugh. What the heck? Why did she take my sweater-


"Hey! Get back here!"

You shouted, your voice sounding raspier than you remembered. You tried to pull yourself off the couch you were lying on, but only succeeded in rolling onto the floor. you braced for the pain that was no doubt coming when your shoulder hit, but nothing happened. You looked at your injured shoulder, and realized that someone had obviously used about eight million gauze pads, secured with what seemed like five rolls of medical tape, and a bajillion bandaids.

"Oh, hey. You're up."

A voice you didn't recognize said from behind you. You turned to see Buggs plopping down on your couch. He sounded mildly disappointed.

"Fuck you! Also, get out of my house!"

You screeched. He snorted. 

"What are you gonna do? Don't look like you can fight. Can't get far enough to call the police, either."

He said with a theatrical yawn.

He's right! I can't fight him in this condition. Wait, did he carry me over here? Why?  Hmmmmm.....

You felt like your memory had large holes dug out of it. You remembered the monster.....leaving the sewers......

You tried to use your still movable arm to drag your self towards the phone, but you weren't able to drag your entire weight. Buggs laughed.

"Lame, Nuke. Suuuuuuper unimpressive."

He snarked. You growled. 

"Hey lameos! You can stop moping now. Your dumb ol' sleeping beauty has awakened!"

You heard the pink girl say from another room. What sounded like a herd of elephants came stomping into the room, and the first thing that struck you, was that save Felix, Ted, and Ozzy, every single one of the kids you'd really encountered were there.

"What the fuck? Also, give me back my sweater, bitch."

You said with a cough. The girl stuck her tongue out at you, and made no move to return the sweater. 

"(F/C) looks better on me."

She said, tossing her hair. 

"Someone get me off the ground so I can smack her."

You groused. Billy helped you up, and you lunged for the pink girl. You felt like you knew her name, but didn't really feel like straining your memory for a sweater thief.

She squealed, unnecessarily, as you were restrained by Billy, and unfortunately couldn't rip this girl's arm off and strangle her with it.

"Hey, chill."

You frowned at him.


You screamed. How long you had been asleep you didn't know, but due to your legs reluctance to function, you assumed a while.

"You tell me."

Buggs snapped.

"Your shitty friends dragged us all over here, and didn't even stop to tell us why."

You turned to Kid with a cold expression.

"Why. The. Fuck. Are. They. Here."

You snarled.

"Good morning to you too."

He grumped. Your scowl intensified.

"Okay, okay. Listen, after you passed out on the sidewalk, we started taking you back here. You'd already said that a few of us could come over, so we decided to be the one to take you home. And then-"

"And then these guys in suits showed up! I hope we're gonna talk about that!"

Carla interrupted. 

Guys in suits?

"Yes, we are going to talk about the guys in suits."

Kid sighed.

"How long was I asleep?"

You demanded. Kid frowned at you.

"Not that long. Day and a half, give or take. But now hush, because I am in the process of answering your previous question."

 He huffed. You had half a mind to strangle him too, but Billy was still holding onto you, and he was kind of comfortable, and you still were unsure of your own structural integrity.

"So, as Carla said, then these guys in suits showed up, and started asking the kids leaving what their names were-"

"Nope! Not even close! They were asking for SPECIFIC NAMES, after comparing the kid with PICTURES, being like 'HEY IS YOUR NAME CARLA?'"

Carla interjected again.

"Did the teachers stop them?"

You asked. 

Carla gave you a look.

"You've been at this school long enough to know they DON'T GIVE A DAMN."

You raised your hands in surrender, or one of them, because the other's arm wasn't movable.


Kid continued, giving Carla a frown.

"I already-"


"We  were already pretty suspicious, and then WEEEEEEEE noticed that they were wearing the Huxley badges. Y'know, the ones Felix is always flaunting?"

Your mind drifted to Felix. He'd never exactly flaunted them, but he'd always been wearing one...

"Yeah, okay."

You replied.

"And then they grabbed Ozzy while he was leaving, and when he told them his name, they grabbed him and he got thrown into this limo."

"And then they left?"

You asked.

"Not quite. That limo left, and another one was there almost instantly."

Monty replied uncomfortably.

You could see where this was going.

"Did they follow you back?"


"Did they get anyone else?"


"Is Ted back yet?"


You sighed.

"At this point, all we can do is wait."

And that was when the phone started ringing. 

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin