Big, Incomprehensible Science Words

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( Guys, we went from like 30 votes to 69, WHAT? Thank you guyssssss)

Your POV

Monty made a disapproving noise.


Carla barked.

Monty muttered something obscene, and continued looking at Penny, from a safe distance.

After a few more agonizing minutes, he adjusted his glasses, and looked up at you.

You had found a note from your mother that said she had to leave earlier for a business meeting (likely about her getting fired because blah, Felix is a manipulative douche probably). 

"There's nothing for it. I can't figure out what would fix her without looking inside."

Monty sighed.

There was a collective groan from the group.

"Which means we need to figure out how to open her up, without seriously damaging her, and without dying."

You concluded.

Monty nodded.

There was a silence. 

The saying 'the tension was so thick it could be cut by a knife' wouldn't apply here. Really, you'd need a chainsaw, a diamond sword, and a meat cleaver to cut this tension, as over half the group didn't want Penny fixed.

"Weeeeee cooooould getttttttt reallyyyyyy thiiiiick ovennnn mittssssss aaaaand hopeeeee forrrr theeeee bestttttt?"

Billy suggested, in a voice that seemed less as if he had an actual idea, and more as if he said he was majorly uncomfortable.

Monty was making a weird face. 

"Montyyyyyyyyy, what is it?"

You pleaded.

Monty groaned.

"Oh stop."

"Pleaaaaase, she's my friennnnnnnd!"

Emma had a hand over her mouth, and her shoulders were shaking, as if she was just barely being able to condone her laughter. 

Emma, I'm trying to convince him to help me, will you not laugh?

Okay, in fairness, I'm not the most convincing person. This is I guess kinda funny.


Monty huffed, hopefully not having noticed Emma's laughter. 

"Whoever does it would have to wear rubber, or some other non-conductible material. Rubber soled shoes and non-conductive gloves provide a barrier. Putting a rubber mat on the floor is another effective precaution. With those steps, our chosen sacrif- um, hero should be safe from any electroshocks."

Monty said, a little (okay, a lot) too quickly.

Everyone gaped at him. He stared back.


Emma said, pretty much summing up what everyone else was thinking.

Monty made another disapproving noise.


Carla screamed, lunging for Monty.

You threw yourself in front of him, and Carla pulled herself back mid-air, collapsing into a heap at your feet. You helped her up, and she made a fresh bound for Monty.


You shouted, surprising even yourself.

Carla looked at you, confused.

"Did you just make that noise?"

She asked.

Emma seemed to be unable to hold in her laughter this time, and held her stomach as she cackled.

You opened your mouth to say something, like 'please stop Emma' or 'Emma, how are you laughing when we have the equivalent of a dead body on the floor?' or 'Emma, what the actual heck?' but instead you giggled. One by one, everyone began laughing, including Jerome and Ozzy (shock of all shocks).

After a while, Emma ended the moment by saying

"We probably should listen to Monty though, because if (Y/N)'s mom comes home and sees us laughing our asses off around a dead body, then shit will seriously hit. The. Fan."

Everyone agreed.

"Alright. Now, Montague. Please explain how to not die via electricity in less big, incomprehensible science words."

Emma said. It took a great deal of willpower to not die of laughter right there.


Monty sighed.

"Put on rubber gloves and rubber shoes and maybe put a rubber mat beneath you, and then you  won't die, because electricity doesn't go through rubber."

Monty said in a voice that suggested he was very disappointed in the intelligence level of the rest of you.


Billy said.


"Who's gonna do it?"

Emma asked.

There was a short pause.


Nugget shouted. 

Everyone looked at each other. 

Nobody else volunteered.

"Are you sure?"

Kid asked tentatively.

"Nugget is not worried."

Nugget replied happily.

If he gets hurt I will never forgive myself for letting him do this.

"(Y/N), since you're the only one of us that actually lives here and knows where stuff is, could you go get rubber stuff?"

Ozzy asked.

"Yeah, I've got it."

You said distractedly. You weren't sure if you should even let Nugget do it. Maybe you should do it. Maybe it was your responsibility.

You went in search of rubber.

When you returned 10 minutes later, you were being weighed down by heaps of rubber items.

Rubber gloves, rubber boots, rubber rain jackets, rubber splash pants, everything you could find.

By the time you and Lily were done covering Nugget in the rubber gear, he looked like a cross eyed, yellow, rubber marshmallow.

"Nugget is ready!"

Nugget declared.

"What are we going to do to open it-her, though?"

Lily asked, looking at you when she said 'her'. 

"I might have something for that."

Monty muttered, rummaging in his pockets for something.

Eventually, he pulled out a small metal cylinder, that looked like a laser pointer.

"Um, what?"

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