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??????'s POV

(Warning, this is going to be super short, but when I'm finished, I'll work on a real chapter)

Running through the darkness.

I have bruised everything.

She felt  a sticky substance dripping down her back, staining her hoodie, maroon.

She heard the clopping of the creature behind her.

NO! Faster faster faster!

She sped through the underground labyrinth, never stopping to catch her breath. 

I can't continue like this. I never had the best stamina!

Right as she was about to collapse of fatigue, she had one fleeting thought.

I can't leave Billy alone.

She pushed her last bit of strength to keep moving. Then, just when it seemed possible to escape-


The monster had her hair.

Think! What would Billy do?

Hair can't be hard to cut.

She ripped her hair free from the creature's grasp, losing half of her hair. Ignoring the searing pain on her scalp, she ran.


"What happened to your hair, Lily?"

Lily tried to laugh, but couldn't.

"W-where were you while I was running away from that?"

Billy shrugged.

"Nugget came a-calling."

"Thanks. Never knew anyone who could use a pipe like you, Billy."

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum