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(Damn guys, I have really been neglecting this book. Worry not, I am not giving up on it, but school has been batshit crazy, and so I've been having a harder time updating, but I'm trying to finish this. Yes, finish. It's almost done. We have 4 endings left, and a couple chapters otherwise, but yeah, this is really pretty close to over. This chapter is going to segway into 3 character endings and the usual continue the story. Three character endings? has she gone insane? No, I just felt like all three of these fit here, as well as the fact that I'd like to finish this story before Halloween, so that I can write a Halloween special chapter (although I doubt that's gonna happen in time). Thank you guys for the positive feedback this story has gotten! It's really encouraged me to keep writing! Sorry for wasting so much time with this AN, but it was some stuff I felt like needed saying. Happy reading :))

Your POV

 You woke up.

For a few seconds, as your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you could almost imagine you were waking up at home.

But then you tried to push yourself up, and your arm refused to cooperate.

Still numb.

You knew that numb was better than the pain that would likely come after you went out of shock, but it was still irritating to have one limb be utter dead weight.


You turned your attention towards the door, where a guard was holding out a tray. You used your good arm to grab it unenthusiastically, at which point he jumped backwards. You met his eyes, and you saw a sort of fear in them, as if he was worried that if he held his hand out too long, you might bite it off. He acted as if you were dangerous. You couldn't help but feel bad for him.


You said. He obliged gratefully, and skittered back up the stairs.

Dangerous. You. It was almost enough to make you laugh.

You looked down at your tray. It contained a carton of milk, a limp carrot, and an aging sandwich. But still, food was food.

You took a large bite of the sandwich. In it was some kind of meat product unlike any you'd ever had before, and a cheese like substance. In all honesty, you'd eaten worse.

More guards began filing into the room, handing out trays, but none with the same cowardice of your guard. However, many of them did cast you wary looks as they exited the dungeon, the way one might look at a violently unpredictable criminal. .

Dangerous criminal.

You finished your tray quickly, and then used it like a sort of mirror. You hadn't looked in a mirror in what felt like a lifetime. The dark bags under your bloodshot eyes were your most noticeable feature, you hair hanging limply over your face. You had a bruise you couldn't identify the backstory of on your jaw, and several more on your shoulder.

You laughed.

I really do look like a criminal.

You flopped backwards onto your cot.

"Hey Theresa!"

You called. 


You sprung up, and pressed your face to the bars so that she could see you.

"Look at meeeee! I look like a criminal!"

You giggled. She stared at you.

"What happened to you?"

You tried to mimic her facial expression. It didn't feel very comfortable, so you didn't do it very long. You weren't sure why she'd made that face in the first place.

Kindergarten 2 x Reader (Highschool AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ