Cain's Not Able Pt 1. (Long Chapter Ahead)

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(This chapter is going to be long, since I'm doing the entire Cain's Not Able mission this chapter, plus some of what happens afterwards, except Kid isn't in cahoots with Felix, and Nugget sooooort of is. Read it, and you'll understand, I guess. Also, We are going to have some POV jumping between Ted and you, so it might be a little confusing. Also, this is only the first bit of Cain's Not Abel, because we're going to have another ending option)

Ted's POV

He watched (Y/N) walk into school, surrounded by her group of friends. Nugget, Carla, Kid, Monty, some odd ones like Jerome, and Kid's little sister...? Why is she even at this school? Ozzy wasn't walking with them, which made Ted feel a little more confident that you wouldn't mind his death. But the most surprising of them was Penny. Penny was always the first one at school, as if she slept there. Ted saw Lily and Billy behind them. They took Emma and quickly darted towards the sewers. Penny hadn't seemed to pay them much attention, but they had all been walking together.

"It'll be fine. Quit being such a-"

Felix began sharply, snapping him out of his thoughts. Felix was looking at (Y/N), having cut himself off. Felix gave him a look that said 'I DARE you to go over there and talk to her'. 

Just until Ozzy is dead, and Felix realizes how right I was.

Ted looked away from you.

He guessed that you had waved, from the way Felix smirked at him, and the smile and wave he returned.

This is going to be a long day.

Your POV

Okay, that was weird. Ted was always social and happy, and there. What happened?


You thought grimly. But still, Felix hadn't forced Ted to ignore you. Ted was doing that on his own.

On the way to school, Penny had clung to you, afraid to see her mother, you guessed. She had been very quiet, only nuzzling into you, and occasionally murmured 'I am so sorry'. She had apologized over 10 times at your house, and thanked Monty and Nugget ten more for fixing her. She had apologized so many times that even Carla and Kid seemed to be having difficulty being mad at her. Emma was seriously helpful in calming down Penny, saying things like 'it wasn't your fault' and 'we are totally going to lay the smack down on your mom for making you do this stuff'. Penny seemed to appreciate the support, but asked her politely not to 'as you say, 'lay the smack down' on my mother. We need to stop her. Not 'lay the smack down.''.

Penny made eye contact with her mother, who was standing at the front door. Her mother's eyes narrowed when she saw her. She pointed at her, and beckoned. Penny looked at you.

"(Y/N). (Y-(Y/N), I am scared."

She whispered.

You put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm here if you need me, okay? I've got your back."

Penny smiled nervously.

"You did literally yesterday."

She mumbled.

You laughed.

She shuffled towards her mother, but the Principal locked eyes with you too.


You walked with Penny up to the door, and her mom smiled down at you.

"Where was my daughter this morning?"

She asked sweetly.

Penny gulped.

I know how to deal with teachers like this. I dealt with my fair share at my old school. 

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