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It was lunch break when Jungkook just wanted to find peace and Bury himself in the ground....

Life sucks... It just became a meaningful quote for Jungkook in these past few days, Like who would've thought that he will find his long lost lover like this...

He was passing through the corridors towards the Cafeteria when a certain one person caught his eyes.... Jimin... He was coming... Coming for him, waving to him and that's when he realised Jungkook is Jimin's partner for the Competition...He wanted to run... But his legs gave up and won't move

Jimin arrived with a smile as he bowed, "Good Morning Hyung" For a split second, Jungkook almost questioned himself why Jimin is calling him hyung but as he realised He is older, he was pulled out of his trance

"Good morning to you too Jimin" Jungkook spoke as Jimin flashed another smile... Jungkook's heart is weak by now....

"Well Mrs Lya told me you were paired with me. so. I came here to talk it out" Jimin spoke as he looked at Jungkook who was clearly having hard time breathing as Jimin moved his lips and as expected the wet dream dwells everywhere....

"Oh Okie.... we can talk but let's eat first..." Jungkook grinned as he went outside and Jimin following as they left the others in the class...


"So now that the discussion is done..Where do you wanna practice?" Jungkook asked as he looked Jimin, straight into his eyes....

Jimin panicked a little but holding a posture is what his father teaches him so he shrugged the sudden situation and answered...."Um I don't know actually.. maybe at your place?"

A question was shot back to Jungkook and he doesn't know what to do anymore...

"Uh-Uh M-My Place...?" Jungkook questioned back and this time Jimin's patience lost way... "See Hyung... Don't question me back... just answer already.. It's not like you are hiding a kidnapped man in your home... Just let me in when we have to practice...." Jimin started off as a warning but finished off with a whine....

It was hard for Jungkook to let Jimin in his home.. since Jimin's paintings won't dissappear in thin air... On the other side Jimin wanted to know why Jungkook was always in his dreams and letting him in his place was foolishness since Jungkook might get in and see his paintings...

In conclusion both had the same fear... The paintings of each other....

"Are You letting me in then?" Jimin asked as he sipped on his mocha

"Y-Yeah..." Jungkook hesitated but what can he do now? Meanwhile Jimin just wanted to see why Jungkook was always here and there in his dreams... He was glad Jungkook was made his partner... He also wanted the answer why Jungkook knew the song that Jimin was humming that day.... Indeed a great mystery to solve for Jimin....

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