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"I miss you Jimin... My Prince Jimin" Jungkook was shedding all his sorrows when the door suddenly bursted open... Jungkook turned around almost automatically to see his mother panting hard... Indicating she ran across the corridor to his room...

"J-Jungkook.. Ju-Jungkook... I-I.. H-He T-The... O-Oh my god..." It was hard to understand his mother now.... she was standing there with panic in her face...

"What happened Mom?" He asked as he came closer to her and rubbed her back to calm her down..

"T-The painting person c-came..." Jungkook was flabbergasted... What the fuck was she talking about? How can Jimin possibly come to his home...

"Y-You are j-joking right?" Jungkook hesitantly asked nervously chuckling...

His mother gave him a glare and yelled out.. "IDIOT I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK SEEING HIM AND YOU'RE SAYING I'M JOKING?" Frustration was clear in her eyes as she was scared as hell... How can his painting come to live?

All his life Jungkook had only drew that person... So it's obvious His mother would never joke about that....

"W-Where is he?" Jungkook finally talked sense after some yells... His mother spoke up... "I-In the living area..."

Jungkook nodded before slipping outside his room and walking all the way to the living room...

And there sat the eternal beauty, his reincarnated lover, on the couch with a tint of blush on his cheeks and eyes with sparkles...

" J-Jimin" Jungkook called out but still keeping his voice dangerously low...

Jimin turned his head to see Jungkook leaning next to the door...

"Hi.." It was pretty awkward since both of them didn't know what to say... plus Jungkook doubted Jimin's knowledge of the reincarnation...

Jungkook slowly came in and sat in front of Jimin... chuckling nervously...

"W-What brought y-you here?" Jungkook hesitantly asked... Jimin suddenly flashed a smile and replied "You"

Moment of silence for our JungSHOOK Jungkook... "M-Me?" Jungkook asked as he pointed to himself...

"You never changed Kookie hyung" Jungkook's eyes widened as he looked at Jimin like he saw a ghost...

"I-I..You remember?" Jungkook asked hesitantly as Jimin grinned....

With the name, Something is wrong with Jimin... Something... He can sense that...

"Yes" Jimin grinned.... That wasn't supposed to be a grin instead he should jump into Jungkook's arms after that.... The reactions aren't appealing at all...

"Sweetheart Do you really remember everything?" Jungkook called out and Jimin scrunched his nose.... "Geez Hyungie.. Why did you call me that? It was reserved for my lover, remember?"

An Invisible arrow flew to Jungkook's heart tearing it into two pieces.... Jimin doesn't remember.... He doesn't remember the half thing or maybe the full....

What will Jungkook tell him now? He doesn't even remember his own people killed him... His own father, His family, his kingdom....

But what hurted the most was when he didn't even remember Jungkook's endless love for him... Was his love so weak that Jimin doesn't even remember?

"O-Oh... I was j-just teasing y-you.." Jungkook nervously chuckled... It hurts more than ever when He saw Jimin smiling at him...

"So we can be friends in this life too?" Jimin asked with hope in his eyes... Jungkook bitterly smiled and nodded... "By the way... how did you get my address?"

"I have ways" Jimin chirped as he winked... "Hyungie I have to go now..." Jimin said and Both the boys stood up...

Jimin went closer and pulled Jungkook into a hug but Jungkook didn't hug back... he just patted the younger's back... Jimin pulled away and left bidding his byes....

Jungkook's eyes filled with agony and he shredded his sorrows through his tears... He feel on his knees holding his head and crying his heart out.... soon he fell down lying on the floor....

Jungkook suddenly woke with a gasp... he was panting hard.... He fell on the floor and screamed his lungs out with the burning pain in his head....

After a minute... Jungkook's parents were to be seen bursting the door and coming in with panic clear in their faces... "W-What happened S-Son?" Jungkook's mother crouched down as he hugged her... "Jimin... He came today..." Those were the words...

"Who? No one came today... Jungkook.. c-calm down" Jungkook was sobbing to this point but froze when his mother told him literally no one came today....

"T-The person i-in the painting.."

"GOSH JUNGKOOK.....I TOLD YOU HE IS JUST YOUR IMAGINATION" Jungkook's mother yelled... pushing his away from the hug and making eye contact....

"What happened today then?" Jungkook questioned....

"You fainted today in the paint room hugging the  painting of the person.....

That's when he realised It was just a dream.... Not a dream but Nightmare.... Fear of losing Jimin just entered the chat in this life....

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