Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Draco...

*Merielle's POV*

I pushed open the door to the hospital wing. There was only one occupied bed in the far end. Draco, as usual, was exaggerating, moaning and complaining about his face.

"Oh shush, will you?" huffed Madam Pomfrey, "it'll heal, and it's not that serious anyways. Goodness me." She tutted and then saw me.

"Ah, Miss Stargline! What brings you here?" Draco's head snapped up in surprise.

"I've come to see Draco," I explained.

"Oh, really? Well... then I'll uh, yes, of course... I'll just be in my office," Madame Ponfrey fast-walked away. I knew why. She had probably never, ever seen a Gryffindor come to check on a Slytherin. It was unheard of. I walked over to him. His cloudy grey eyes were trained on me.

"I didn't think you'd come," he said softly, at last. Ouch.

"And why would you think that?"

"I figured that you'd be mad at me...and those friends of yours would tell you not to come."

"They did tell me not to come, and I am mad at you. But I'm still here." I sat down in a chair by his bedside.

"So, how is it?" I inquired, gesturing to his face. Draco huffed.

"Terrible. This is the second time, too. I don't think my face can handle it. My good looks are ruined," he moaned. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop overreacting."

"Overreacting! My nose is broken, and I have bruises! Oh this is so great," he exclaimed sarcastically.

"Well, you did break Harry's nose and you did start it by calling Hermione... that name and the rest of them blood traitors," I reprimanded.


"No, Draco, seriously. You have to stop being so cruel to everyone. Calling someone a... that word... is not ok. Nor is blood traitor." He stayed silent. I slid the plate onto his lap, along with the napkin, knife and fork. His eyes lit up with interest.

"I brought you apple crumble. I figured since you like apples so much..." He smiled at me.

"You remembered," there was a strange look in his eyes I couldn't decipher, "Thank you."

"Of course."

*Draco's POV*

That act of kindness, though small, meant the world to me. It showed that she really did care about me, that she was a true friend. I've been lonely for my whole life. It's strange having such a good friend like Merielle, but it's an amazing feeling at the same time. I could feel her chocolate eyes on me as I devoured the apple crumble. It was too good to keep. I wiped my hands and mouth with the napkin. The hospital wing food was ok, but not the best. And of course it was just my bad luck to have ended up in the hospital wing when it was dinner time, and they were serving apple crumble

I looked up to see her studying me with interest. Her rich, dark eyes gazed back at me, framed by those long, thick lashes. Her bow lips were slightly parted. A few ringlets of her dark, luscious hair had escaped from her intricate bun. I reach out and gently tucked the loose, dark, glossy curls behind her ear, brushing across her soft skin. It sent a tingle through me. I was so close to her. The smell of her perfume and my cologne lingered in the air around us, but I could make out the scent of her perfume. It was sweet and fragrant, like plumeria blooms, cinnamon and vanilla, all rolled into one.

"Anyways, I hope your nose gets a full recovery," joked Merielle, breaking the feeling as she leaned back.

"Ugh, please. If my attractiveness is ruined, you know who to blame," I rolled my eyes, a blend of emotions coursing through me.

"Hermione can be pretty fierce," she agreed, "Harry told us that he's more afraid of angry me and Hermione than Voldemort." I winced at the name.

"Well, you are quite fiesty," I nodded. She giggled.

"Yeah. Do you want me to stay here with you?"

 I deliberated. Part of me wanted her to stay, but I didn't want to be selfish. I was about to speak when Madam Pomfrey came bustling out.

"There will be no need for that, Miss Stargline," she said, "Mr Malfoy will be leaving now."

"But my face!" I protested.

"It is fine," she said firmly, "You are dismissed."

"Come on, then," laughed Merielle, holding out her hand. I froze for a moment, then gingerly took it. Her slender fingers grasped my hand in a surprisingly firm grip, but it was still gentle, not at all harsh. Her hand was warm, unlike my cold ones, and it sent a shiver up my spine. My heart was thudding so fast and loud that I was afraid she heard it. Nevertheless, she smiled at me, that gorgeous and charming smile that I loved so much.

She helped me off the bed, then I abruptly released her hand, blushing awkwardly.

"Er, thanks," I stammered, "Let's go." The two of us exited the hospital wing. She wanted to walk me back to the Slytherin common room, but I told her that it wasn't necessary.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," she smiled.

"Goodnight, Merielle. Sweet dreams." We parted ways. 

Sweet dreams??? I never had sweet dreams. I could barely remember the last time I had one. They were all nightmares, haunting me, never letting go. And ever since that stupid task, they had been more frequent. I sighed.

"Draco..." whispered a hissing, drawling, evil voice, "Draco..." A pair of slitted red eyes, glowing like a snake's, stared back at me from the darkness. Then it vanished, to be replaced by my mother. She was knelt on the floor, her hair matted and hanging limp as she had her head bowed. She looked up, and her eyes were lifeless and dead. She had a black eye and a bruised face, with an ugly slash down her cheek. There were various bruises and bloodied gashes on her skin, some still dripping blood. Her torn clothes were dirty and blood-stained. Then there was an image of my father, still locked up in Azkaban, but with Dementors prowling around the looming building. Then the face of Voldemort loomed into my vision: his beady red eyes, his slits for a nose, that twisted mouth, the bald head and the gaunt, pale skin stretched tightly across his bones.

"If you fail, those you love will be punished beyond heal... Do not fail me, Draco... Your life, and the lives of those you cherish, are at stake...You have no choice..." cackled his voice, echoing again and again... like the devil's anvil, beating down, down, down...

I woke up with a start, breathing heavily. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead and I clutched the sheets fervently, shaking. The nightmares would never go away. I longed for Merielle's musical, soft voice, and her gentle and warm touch. I wished to see her dazzling smile, to hear her chiming laugh. She was the first person that now came to mind when I was seeking comfort. But I couldn't endanger her. I wouldn't drag her into my dark, evil world. She was too pure and good for that. I checked the time. 2.35 am. I finally let a tear roll down my cheek. I didn't know how longer I could stand this. It was a miracle I hadn't broken down already.

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