Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Quidditch Tryouts

*Merielle's POV*

I got back to the Gryffindor common room just before curfew. Harry and Ron had already gone back to their dorms. Hermione was studying by the crackling fire.

"Hey," she rubbed her eyes wearily upon seeing me.

"Hi," I smiled. She looked at me questioningly.

"Tomorrow," I sighed, "I'm tired." She nodded.

"You should get some sleep, Hermione." She gave me a small smile.

"I will, don't worry. Just let me finish this essay." I sighed and left her to it. As I lay in bed, I couldn't help thinking. Why would Mal- Draco want to be my friend? Everyone knew about his reputation.

The next morning, I showered and braided my hair into two buns at the top of my head, leaving the rest to flow free down my back. Then I applied mascara and lip gloss before attaching sapphire teardrop earrings. I was satisfied, and went down to the common room.

"Good morning," chirruped Hermione brightly, "Come on! Breakfast's waiting!" I giggled as we rushed to the Great Hall, where Ron and Harry already were. We sat down with them and began our breakfast.

"So how'd it go?" questioned Harry quietly. I took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"It was ok. Basically, he was sorry for being mean to me when I didn't do anything, and he wants to start anew and be my friend." Ron coughed as he spat out his juice.

"What?!" he scoffed, "Malfoy? Sorry? Friend? What nonsense. I mean, you can't honestly believe him, can you?"

"I don't know," I shrugged truthfully. Ron glared at me.

"This is Malfoy we're talking about, remember? The one who's horrible to everyone, doesn't care about anyone, thinks everyone has to worship him, blah blah blah."

"Ron, I know," I sighed.

"Merielle, he's right though. Malfoy is incredibly deceiving," put in Harry.

"Yes, but you haven't exactly given Draco a chance, have you?" I snapped. 

"Oh so it's Draco now, is it?" Harry asked me incredulously.

"So?" I crossed my arms in defense, "He told me to call him by his first name."

"Be careful, Merielle. I know he's hiding something."

"Oh Harry. I know that you and him are sworn enemies, rivals blah blah blah but seriously? I'm just going to see how this turns out, ok? Now, I must be going." I hoisted my bag up and made my way to Alchemy. Was everyone so against each other?

I had entered the Gryffindor common room when Xander rushed up to me, beaming.
"Merielle! The Quidditch tryouts are this Thursday!"

"Cool!" My eyes sparkled. I loved Quidditch.

"So you both will be trying out?" Harry startled me from behind. 

"Yes," I grinned, getting over my initial shock.

It was Thursday, and it was time for the tryouts. I grabbed my Firebolt 02, the newest make, and headed outside once I had tied my hair up into an elegant, high ponytail. I wore a white shirt with spaghetti straps and a midnight-blue skort with matching, knee- high socks and white trainers. I loved my broomstick. The fine handle was made of ashes, pressed garnets and traces of mahogany, glazed with a clear, hard coating. The end was made of fine, thin, willowy branches of different trees, brushed and tied together with a satin ribbon. There were small crystals studding the broom that sparkled in the morning sunshine. McGonagall had booked us the pitch for tryouts during the morning. Harry met us in the changing rooms beforehand.

Falling for the Enemy||Draco Malfoy Love Story FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang