Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Give us a chance

I stirred awake. Something was wrapped tightly around me, and it was then I realised that it was a muscled arm. The events of last night crashed back down onto me. I closed my eyes and groaned. I wasn't sure if I should be feeling regretful or not. It had just sort of...happened. We were both lying, wrapped in each other's embrace, on the sofa, in a sea of blankets. I was pressed against his chest, and now I turned over, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

Draco was still asleep, and he looked so serene. The stress in his face had smoothed out, and he looked for all in the world like a normal boy. The cold, haughty mask he wore was gone too, replaced by a calm, neutral expression. He looked god-like, and I gently stroked back the blond hair that had fallen limply over his eyes as he slept. I was careful not to wake him. Merlin knew he needed more sleep. I lay contentedly back in his arms, tracing his tight muscles. It felt so good just lying here, in Draco's embrace. I fully registered the fact that I had just lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy.

"Hello, beautiful," a voice whispered in my ear, and I looked up. My eyes clashed with his grey ones. They were molten silver, with traces of pale blue in them, like the sky of a winter's day. Clear and undisturbed. He seemed more at ease than I had ever seen him.

"Hello," I smiled, "How did you sleep?" Draco pulled me closer to him.

"The best I've had in a long time," he breathed, "I get nightmares, you know. Terrible ones...They started after my father was put in Azkaban. That's why I don't like sleeping. Many nights I just wished that I had someone there for me. But then you came along. I didn't know why, but I longed to be held in your arms. To be in your warm embrace. You always make me feel so much calmer, like I could forget everything that was happening outside and just escape reality, with you. Your presence never fails to soothe me. And here you are now...and you really are holding me."

I felt tears prick my eyes at his sweet words. This was a side of Draco I'd never properly seen before. I'd caught glimpses of it, but never the full picture. Here he was, opening himself to me, trusting me with his soul.

"Did you get nightmares last night?" I asked quietly. Draco smiled and shook his head.

"No. You chased them away. For once in so long, it was a dreamless, relaxing sleep. You chased my nightmares away. You saved me from the dark depths of my own mind that I was drowning in. I was drowning, and you dragged me back to shore. You rescued me." I felt a tear slip down my cheek. This was getting emotionally deep.

"Oh, Draco..." I whispered, and leaned down to kiss him. He instantly responded, kissing me back with a passion that burned between both of us. I still wasn't sure what we could call it. We pulled away for breath, our foreheads leaning against each other.

"What happens to us now?" he asked, his breath fanning my face.

"I'm not sure," I answered honestly, "but we'll figure something out." We sat up and he wrapped his arms tightly around me, pulling me against his toned chest. I leaned against it in bliss. Then my Gryffindor courage broke through.

"Draco, do you think...could we have a chance? At being, you know, together? We've moved past the point of friends now." He froze and when he spoke again, his voice was low and shaky.

"I -I don't know, Merielle. I don't know. We're the complete opposite."

"Yes, but opposites attract."

"That's not how it works. You are on the Light, and my whole family is on the Dark side. We're already pulled apart. We're on opposing sides, both of which are fighting for two completely different things. I -I just don't know if it'll work, Merielle."

"You don't need to follow your family, Draco," I breathed, "You can be yourself. Your family isn't entirely bad, either. Sirius Black?"

"Yeah, and where did that get him? He's dead." His voice was bitter.

"What about Andromeda? Your aunt? And Tonks, your cousin?"

*Draco's POV*

I couldn't help but laugh. Gryffindors and their way of seeing the good in everything.

"Don't be ridiculous," I told her. What I couldn't tell her, though, was that I was too far in. I was already beyond hope. If I even tried to escape, the Dark Lord would kill my parents, and then hunt me down. And anyways, I was a part of them now. There was no coming back for me. How I wished that things were different. But this was the cruel, harsh reality of things. Merielle thought that I was family-bound to support the Dark Lord because my family did, but it was so much darker than that. I had to support him. Merielle would never forgive me if she knew. She and her family fought against Voldemort. They were part of the Order. Our relationship would only end in heartbreak.

"We can try," she pleaded softly, giving me those doe eyes of hers that melted me, "We just need to give ourselves a chance. I -I'm willing to try. To risk it. For you." I missed a breath, staring at her. She couldn't be serious. After all the heartbreaks she'd been through, and yet she was still willing to give me a chance? To give us a chance? That -that was true bravery. And if she could do it, then...perhaps I could too. It would just be a try. We wouldn't get too far in that it would be impossible to get back out. Slowly, I nodded, and watched as her facial features softened into a genuine smile.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes," I responded softly, "I'll give 'us' a chance." She squealed in delight, flinging her arms around me and planting a kiss on my lips. I savoured in her fragrance.

"Do you want to go public about this?" I asked her. Merielle paused.

"I don't want to keep a secret this big from my friends...I just don't know how people will respond to a Slytherin and a Gryffindor. They'll call it 'fraternising with the enemy'," she sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, you have a point. How about we only tell our friends? The people that we trust?"

"Alright. I suppose so." I smiled.

"That's great then." She suddenly looked at the time.

"Oh, shoot! It's almost six. I'd better get back before Hermione -being Hermione- starts to put her suspicions together." She kissed me again, then we pulled our clothes on and attempted to fix ourselves before she swiftly left the Room of Requirements. I followed soon after. Too late, I remembered the bet from the beginning of the year. Shit.

A/n: How do you think their love story will progress? How will Merielle's friends take it? And don't forget her family and the task she was given! Add in the bet, and it looks like things will quickly go haywire for the young lovebirds! Will they last?

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