Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: Occlumency

Merielle landed on something soft and coarse underneath her. She spat out the sand that she'd accidentally swallowed, aware of the salty wind blowing across her wild hair. Every part of her body hurt terribly from the aftereffects of the Cruciatus, and she could still hear her own screams and Hermione's ringing in her ears.


Merielle looked around her, breathing with relief when she saw Ron help a shaky Hermione to her feet. She turned her head to see Harry alive and kneeling down, cradling something in his arms, speaking to it. Squinting, she realised it was Dobby, and there was something sticking out of him...Bellatrix's knife. 

"Help!" cried Harry, his voice cracking, "Please, Hermione, Merielle, do something!"

"I'm sorry, Harry," said Hermione quietly. Even from here, Dobby's final words drifted to Merielle's ears.

" be with his friend...Harry Potter..." The elf gave a final sigh. Merielle felt fresh tears slip down her face. Luna gently shut Dobby's eyelids, and Harry's body racked with sobs. Merielle tried to get to her feet, but immediately collapsed onto the sand again. She was too weak. Utterly exhausted and drained.

"Let's get you inside, Merielle," murmured a low voice. Ginger hair. Scars down his face. Ah yes. Bill Weasley. His strong arms hoisted her up as he carried her inside. 

Merielle fought against the incoming darkness, but then everything went black.


Distant, murmuring voices. A mixture of sounds, blurring together into a low hum. 

"Is she going to be alright?"

"She's a strong girl, but the Cruciatus Curse has damaging effects."

"Damn those blasted Malfoys and Bellatrix Lestrange. I swear-"

Merielle blinked her eyes open, trying to bring things into focus. Everything was blurred and distorted, like some sort of grotesque painting done by a three year old. Gradually, she could make out various colours, and then the outlines of figures. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Someone opened her mouth, and a cool liquid washed down her parched throat. Merielle tried again.

"What's going on?" There was a symphony of relieved sighs.

"How are you feeling, Merielle?" asked Hermione. Merielle blinked. Truth was, she still felt awful. Too many things were going through her mind at once.

"Not good."

"You were cruciated for quite some time," said Harry anxiously, "and Hermione says the effects can sometimes be quite damaging. What do you remember?"  Merielle frowned, trying to recall the previous events. Everything shot through her brain at once and she closed her eyes again as the headache grew, pounding in her head like an anvil. Once it had calmed down a bit, she reopened her eyes and tried to arrange her memories. 

Escaping Death Eaters at Luna's place.

Snatchers chasing them through a forest.

Being captured and brought to Malfoy Manor.

Seeing Draco again.

This brought a fresh stab of pain through her head, but she forced herself to continue.

Hermione being tortured by Bellatrix for information.

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