Chapter 50

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Chapter 50: Future careers

Seats were arranged in rings around the circular room, similar to the seating in a stadium, but more formal and professional. In the centre was a table exclusively for Kingsley, Percy Weasley (who was now the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation), Reginald Cattermole (who was promoted to the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes), Ludo Bagman (Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports) and Madam Marchbanks, who worked in the Wizengamot and was a firm supporter of Dumbledore. Merielle found many of her former classmates already seated, including Seamus, Luna, Dean, Neville, Harry, Ron and Xander, all of whom enthusiastically waved at Merielle and Hermione. The two of them found the seats with their name card and sat down. Merielle's eyes narrowed upon seeing Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott, all of whom looked uncomfortable at being here. Theodore Nott was let off after it was clear that whilst his father had been a Death Eater, and was currently serving a lifetime in Azkaban, Theodore Nott had had nothing to do with Voldemort. Merielle caught Kingsley's eye, and he gave her a subtle nod. That confirmed her thoughts. Once this meeting was over, she would be on the path of her future. More and more former seventh year Hogwarts students filed in, taking their places and murmuring to one another. At the table in the middle, Kingsley talked with the other adults as they thumbed through files and glanced around the room. At last, he called for order.

"You were all, I understand, seventh year students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when the Battle of Hogwarts took place," began Kingsley, his deep and reassuring voice echoing round the room as they all fell silent, "and ever since then, things have been rather...disrupted. Perhaps some of you are already thinking about your futures. After all, none of you took your N.E.W.Ts and the society is still being rebuilt. However, we cannot rebuild the world without your help. You are, after all, the next generation of wizards and witches. We have done our best, and our best has only helped put you onto the path of your futures. What happens next can only be determined by you. I have looked through all your school records and taken into account the kind of jobs you wanted to take on when you were discussing your O.W.Ls with your Head of House. And so, in this meeting, we shall do our best to help you fulfill that." Murmurs rippled throughout the room. Kingsley continued,

"Now, I understand that everyone has gone through a hard time. And these past couple of months have been especially difficult." Here he glanced slightly at Merielle. "But we must move on. It is the only way. Therefore, you shall be split into five groups, each talking to a different member of the Ministry here." With a flick of his wand, golden lines shot down the room, separating it into five sections. Merielle found herself in the third. "Your seats have been deliberately placed. The five of us work in different positions, and so will take on the people that we feel we could help the most. Mr Bagman will take the first, Mr Weasley will take the second, I will take the third, Madam Marchbanks will take the fourth and Mr Cattermole will take the fifth." He paused, assessing the room. "Well then, good luck to you all. I wish you all success in securing yourselves a future."

The five Ministry members went off to their separate groups, with Kingsley approaching the third. He smiled at them, settling down into a seat.

"Hello, everyone." Merielle found that the people in her group consisted of Hermione, Harry, Xander, Neville, Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Theodore Nott and Parvati Patil. 

"Hello, Kingsley," grinned Harry, glad to see his old friend again. Kingsley smiled.

"Now, I do hope that you are doing alright. I have looked at your school records and O.W.Ls, and have deduced that you all want a position in the Ministry, correct?" They glanced at one another, then nodded. Hermione and Harry looked over at Ron, who was talking with Ludo Bagman. They frowned. Ron had wanted to be an Auror, but it apparently wasn't so. 

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