Chapter 60

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Chapter 60: Deja vu

SMUT AHEAD: From now on, there will be scenes of smut. This will be the last warning I give of intimate scenes ahead.

Merielle was floating on clouds, her mind filled with nothing than bliss. There was nothing but calm around her. Her ears were filled with sweet melodies and perfect chords.

Slowly, she blinked open her eyes, seeing the familiar walls of her bedroom. Morning sunlight streamed in from the windows. It had all been a dream, but nevertheless a peaceful, beautiful dream. Then she sat up. Wait a moment. The was still there, drifting to her ears like chiming harmonies on the wind. Merielle frowned. She stepped out of bed and pulled a nightgown over herself, exiting her bedroom and padding down the stairs.

She made her way to the main living room, for the belonged to the grand piano that stood in there. Merielle stopped behind a marble pillar, peering in. Her breath caught in her throat. Draco was sat behind the piano, his fingers skimming with ease and expertise practise over the ivory keys. She watched, transfixed, as his fingers created the most beautiful melodies from the keys, his body swaying and moving as he played. His face in the reflected shiny surface of the piano was at ease, with his grey eyes focused solely on the music.

Merielle found herself drawn towards him. Each step she took was silent, but it brought her closer to Draco.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his fingers slid and played a few wrong keys before he spun around to meet Merielle. The two stared at each other for a few moments. Then Merielle whispered,

"It's beautiful...the piece. I -I never knew you could play."

Draco gave a short nod. "My mother had me take private lessons as a child. Said it was good and proper breeding. But I soon began to enjoy it. Helps me take my mind off things."

Merielle moved to stand beside him, her elegant fingers pressing down a few notes.

"My parents and I tried to let me take lessons. But I was always so busy, with all So I don't know how to play. But the piano's still here." She turned to face him. "I think it's really wonderful. And I think you're very talented."

There was that unfathomable look in his eyes she had seen so many times before, but still could not understand what it meant.

"Thank you," Draco said quietly.

She nodded, throat too constricted to speak, then frowned. "Where're your parents?"

"It's a Saturday. They've gone to Andromeda's," he answered.

"What about you?" Merielle asked, "Why are you still here then?"

"So that we could have some time alone," responded Draco lowly.

Merielle's heart began to beat quickly. "Alone time for what?" She managed to ask.

Draco didn't tell her; he showed her. Shooting to his feet, he grabbed her and kissed her hard. Merielle tried to push him away, but instead found herself pulling him closer to her. Draco pushed her backwards until she hit a marble pillar, the cold marble pressing against her back. But a colder, more chiselled marble was right before her. Their lips locked, kissing the other with need. Draco sucked on her lower lip, biting down on it and eliciting a moan from Merielle. 

His fingers danced upwards, towards the belt of her nightgown. He swiftly unknotted it and the nightgown fell apart. She didn't feel cold; his body heat was pressing into her. Draco shoved down her silk nightgown and it fluttered to her feet. 

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