Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: The Date

A/N: So how are you liking the story so far? I know that Draco and Merielle aren't romantic yet, but that will come. Stay with me, dear readers, and enjoy!
Feel free to leave any comments about ideas and such! I would appreciate that a lot, thanks!
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*Merielle's POV*

The weeks passed by, and I settled more and more into Hogwarts. It was like my home, and I loved it. Xander and I are hitting it off really well. He's so sweet and incredibly kind. In fact, I have a date scheduled tonight!

Me, Hermione, Ron and Harry were all having lunch when Xander came in and plonked himself down between me and Harry.

"Ugh, Snape made the lesson overrun," he complained, piling his plate, "and we have to write a 2000 word essay about the effects of the Impedimenta spell." He dug in to his food, and I chuckled.

"Arithmancy isn't that bad," I smiled, "It was actually very informative."

"How do you girls find it in yourselves to even like that subject?" groaned Ron, baffled.

"Nobody asked you," snapped Hermione, "and the subject isn't dreadfully boring at all. I quite like it."

Ron simply snorted in response and went back to his food. Just then, a girl came up to Harry.

"Uh, this letter is for you," she said timidly, handing him the piece of parchment before scurrying away. I sighed. Where was the courage and dignity? We read over Harry's shoulder and frowned once we had finished. 

"But why would Dumbledore want to see you?" Hermione asked.

"No idea," he answered, "Last year it was those useless, tortuous Occlumency lessons with Snape. What's it going to be this time?"

"Hey!" I protested, "Yes, I agree, Snape is horrible but Occlumency isn't useless. I can do it perfectly well." Oops, I hadn't meant to say that. They stared at me.

"You know Occlumency?" Gaped Xander incredulously.

"Yes," I blushed, "I'm a skilled Legilimens and Occlumens. My parents taught me."

"Wow! They're both extremely high level skills! Even I would struggle. You  can do both of them well at such a young age," Hermione was impressed.

"Thanks," I smiled. After we had finished eating, Xander turned to me.

"Uh, Ella, could you come outside with me, for like, a minute?"

"Sure," I answered cherrily. He took my hand and led me out of the Great Hall, and I loved the way our fingers were intertwined. On the way out, my eye happened to catch a pair of smoky gray ones. Right now, they were a smoky gray, yes. I smiled up at him and he inclined his head, before pursing his lips at Xander and my intertwined fingers. I wasn't stupid; I knew that my relationship with Xander bothered Draco, though he tried his best to hide it. I thought it was because he was such an overprotective friend, and was also probably worried that Xander would take me completely away from him, but now I wondered if there was more to the story. Jealousy, perhaps? So I simply gave him a reassuring nod. Outside, Xander turned to me.

"So, Ella, I was wondering... well, we haven't had one in ages... can we go out together tonight?"

 I giggled.

"What, like a date?"

"Yeah," he blushed, rubbing his neck.

"Well, of course!" I kissed his cheek.

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